Consuelo Sánchez-Bautista
Pronouns: she, her
Doctoral Student, CIDE

Areas of interest
- Education and mobility
- Education in conflict-affected zones
- Educational inclusion of children on the move
- Global education and migration policies
MA, Sociology, FLACSO Ecuador
MA, Spanish Linguistics, Instituto Caro y Cuervo (Colombia)
MA, Spanish Philology, CSIC (Spain)
I am a Fulbright-Colciencias doctoral student in the Comparative International Development Education program. Broadly, I am interested in the relationships between education and mobility, particularly in contexts of armed conflicts and violence. My research has drawn on qualitative methods to explore issues concerning migration policies and practices related to migrants’ and refugees’ access to rights and social inclusion in origin and destination countries. My sociology master’s dissertation focused on how Colombian refugee children living in Ecuador experience discrimination, how their nationality and refugee status shape their relationships at the school, and how teachers handle these situations. In Colombia, my work has revolved around peacebuilding and peace education in some of the regions most affected by the armed conflict. Currently, I keep exploring the interrelationships among education, forced migration, and inclusion in Colombia.
Sánchez Bautista, C. (2020). Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Ecuadorian Citizens Abroad. In J. M. Lafleur & D. Vintila (Eds.). In Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond. Volume 3, A Focus on Non‐EU Sending States. London: Springer. (Forthcoming).
DeJaeghere, J. & Sánchez Bautista, C. (2020). Mobility, Youth Livelihoods and Wellbeing in the Time of a Pandemic. Youth Circulations. Blog entry.
Rincón, A., Sánchez Bautista, C., y Pugh, J. (2018). “Transnational Governance and Peace Processes: The Case of the UN and ICC in Colombia.” In A. Kulnazarova V. Popovski, (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sánchez Bautista, C. (2017).“The Promise of a Welfare State: The Ecuadorian Government Strategy on Emigration and Diaspora Policies between 2007-2016.” In A. Weinar (Ed.), Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility. Global Migration Issues, vol 9. Springer, Cham.
Sánchez Bautista, C. (2014). Policy and Institutional Frameworks: Country Report Ecuador. INTERACT RR 2014/24, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, pp. 27.
Sánchez Bautista, C. (2013) La migración intrarregional de niños andinos y su derecho a la educación en los países receptores. En Boletín Andina Migrante No. 17. Quito: FLACSO Ecuador, pp.15.
Sánchez Bautista, C. (2013). Exclusiones y resistencias de niños inmigrantes en escuelas de Quito
Sánchez Bautista, C. y Oviedo, S. (2013). Los niños, niñas y adolescentes inmigrantes en Ecuador: avances y deudas en el cumplimiento de sus derechos. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, pp. 19.