College of Education and Human Development

Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development


10 of 52 results

Connect Magazine: Helping people reach their potential

Sophomore Tammy Liu says human resource development (HRD) intrigues her because it essentially focuses on empowering people to reach their potential. Making a difference in Liu’s life is the CEHD Access Scholarship, which supports undergraduates with financial need. She is in her second year of receiving the scholarship.

CIDE programs well-represented at CIES 2025

The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Comparative and International Development Education graduate programs will be well represented at the 2025 annual meeting of CIES, the Comparative and International Education Society: Envisioning Education in a Digital Society, taking place March 22-26, 2025 in Chicago, IL.

OLPD Students, Faculty Collect Awards at AHRD

Numerous graduate students and faculty at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development received major awards at the 2025 annual conference of the Association of Human Resource Development.

Rodriguez Receives Dissertation of the Year Award from AHRD

Ana Carolina Rodriguez, a 2024 PhD graduate at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, received the Dissertation of the Year Award from the Academy of Human Resource Development.

Suzan Samaha & Nicola Alexander receives MNEEP's McKinley award

Each year, MnEEP identifies and confers a Ron McKinley, All My Relations- Equity in Action Award to true warriors for racial justice and education equity who work to impact systems, structures, and cultures to undo systemic racism and colonial settler harm in education.

Roman & Rowe present research at 2025 CEHA annual conference

Richard Roman and Madeline Rowe, PhD Candidates in the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Higher Education program presented research on public trust in higher education at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Annual Conference.

Ben Marcy & Michael Stebleton present at ASHE

Ben Marcy, PhD Candidate in Higher Education recently presented with Michael Stebleton, Professor of Higher Education at ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education). Their paper was titled, "The Underemployment of Undergraduates: The Role of Higher Education to Address Career Readiness and Disparity."

The Distinguished Alumni Awards: OLPD alumni recipients

The Distinguished Alumni Award honors CEHD graduates who have a track record of achievement and excellence in their careers, and awardees are selected by the alumni relations staff in partnership with the dean.