Tommy Van Norman
Pronouns: he, him, his
Doctoral Student, CIDE

Areas of interest
- Internalization of higher education
- Place-based education
- Indigenous knowledge systems
MS, Educational Leadership, University of North Dakota, 2014
BS, Criminal Justice and Sociology, University of North Dakota, 2012
I am interested in exploring how formal higher education experiences (i.e., study abroad and experiential/immersive learning) imbed land-based, placed-based, or Indigenous education into their curriculum and programming, and how those experiences impact a student's learning, intercultural development, and environmental stewardship. Through my research, I hope to explore how students who study abroad or take part in immersion experiences use those experiences to tell a story about place and culture.
In my full-time professional role at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, I currently serve as the Manager of Student Affairs for the Medical School, providing management and coordination of student affairs operations and activities for the Doctor of Medicine program. In my most recent role, I served as an instructor for a year-long leadership and culture seminar (CFAN 1101), as well as for a short-term study abroad program to Greece.