College of Education and Human Development

Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development

Matthew Schuelka gives keynote at international teacher education conference

Matthew Schuelka, lecturer in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD), recently gave an invited keynote address at the annual International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE) conference in Paro, Bhutan. The conference was held at the Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan, and was attended by Bhutanese government officials, Bhutanese students and teachers, and international conference delegates.

Schuelka spoke on the topic of “Understanding educational values in complex systems through the role of teachers.” He also launched a new book at the conference that features CEHD faculty and former students. The book, Happiness Education: Holistic Learning for Sustainable Well-Being (Routledge), was edited by OLPD Professor Gerald Fry and OLPD alumna Haelim Chun, featuring chapters by Assistant Professor Meixi (OLPD), Professor Elizabeth Sumida Huaman (OLPD), and Schuelka, among many others. 

schuelka giving keynote at podium