Nathan Price
Pronouns: He/Him
Doctoral Student, Higher Ed

Areas of interest
- Organizational Development and Leadership
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Educational and Career Coaching
- Workforce and Career Development Theories
Master of Professional Studies in Industrial - Organizational Psychology, University of Maryland, 2020
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Henderson State University, 2019
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Management, Henderson State University, 2019
I am an Industrial Organizational Psychology Practitioner who works solely within educational institutions and structures, previously working within university settings to improve culture and functionality with best practices provided through empirical research and studies. I'm known as the Founder of the Academic IO where I partner with educational leadership to maximize organizational, team, and individual performance and effectiveness through coaching, quality process and program design, and strategic integration. My specific strengths include personnel training and development, leadership development, culture and diversity education, performance management, organizational development, coaching, mentoring, and team building.
Lynner, B., & Dik, B. (Co-Chairs), Beckel, J., Bologna, D., et al. (2024). DIY KSAOs: Career exploration for I/O graduate students [Alternative session type]. In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Ed.), Annual Conference.
Zhou, S. (Chair), Healy, C., Price, N., Rotch, R.W., Sanders, A.M.F., & Winslow, C. (2024). The road less traveled in academia: Admin-professional and research positions for I-Os [Panel discussion]. In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Ed.), Annual Conference.
Brawley, U., & Price, N. (Co-Chairs). (2024). Empowering Black I/O communities: Self-development and leadership for personal and organizational success [Panel discussion]. In Blacks in Industrial Organizational Psychology Inaugural Conference.
Mattingly, V. (Chair), Shipley, S., Price N., Eggler, K., & Kraiger, K. (2024). Allyship: For, with, & beyond Blacks in I/O [Panel discussion]. In Blacks in Industrial Organizational Psychology Inaugural Conference.
Price, N., Diaz, C., Healy, C., & Sullivan, B. (2023, April 20-22). I-Os working in academic spaces: We can impact academia by being more than faculty [Conference presentation].In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Annual Conference.
Price ,N., & Zhou,S.(2023,April 20-22).How I-Os can impact academic administration: Case study exercises for professional development [Conference presentation].In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Annual Conference.
Price, N. & Kelly, J. (2022, October 16).Optimizing your graduate experience[Webinar presentation].In Your Career Kick Start(Ed.), Retrieved from
Price,N.(2022,).Being an I/O practitioner in academia [Guest lecture].Lecture presented at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Price,N.(2022,).Being an I/O practitioner in academia [Guest lecture].Lecture presented at George Mason University, Fairfax,VA.
Price,N.(2022,).Dynamic careers in I/O psychology[Invited talk].Lecture presented at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Price,N.(2021).Being an I/O practitioner in academia [Guest lecture].Lecture presented at California State University, Chico.
Cerrentano,C.,Solis,L.,Price,N.,Abney-King,A.,Atoba,B.,& Roman,J.L. (2021,April 15-17).Dirty laundry: An inclusive discussion about graduate program diversity [Roundtable discussion].In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Annual Conference.
Price, N.& Aiken,J.(2019,November).Intro to I/O psychology[Invited talk].Lecture presented at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Price, N.& Aiken,J.(2019,October 29).Careers in I/O psychology[Invited talk].Lecture presented at Clark University, Worcester, MA.