Judith J. Lambrecht
Professor Emerita

Areas of interest
- Business Teacher Education
- Research in Vocational Education
- Technology Education
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison
- M.S., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Business Education
- B.S., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Business Education
I retired from the University in 2009 after 36 years of participation in the Business and Marketing Education program. After serving for three years in the early 1990s as Associate Dean of the College, during Bill Garnder’s term as Dean, I also assumed half of my position in Instructional Technology in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction.
Because of my technology involvement, and with support of my program head, Charles Hopkins, I was fortunate to be part of several teams of teachers who worked with Greg Sales through his project developments with the Dept of Defense Schools. The teams of UM faculty and local high school teachers taught on multiple occasions on military bases in Germany, Spain, England, Italy, Turkey, the Azores, the Philippines, and Okinawa. A similar group of teachers worked with John Cogan on projects with the Hong Kong Institute of Education. We taught in Hong Kong for several weeks at a time, and our Chinese colleagues also spent extended time on the University of Minnesota campus. I was most fortunate to have had these opportunities.
Within the field of Business Education, I served as National President of Delta Pi Epsilon, the research-focused organization in the field. I also served as National Treasurer for the American Vocational Education Research Assn. In 2005 I received the highest award for national distinction in Business Education, the John Robert Gregg Award. Within Minnesota, since business teacher preparation was my chief concern, being part of the business community was important to me. Part of this involvement lead to my serving two terms as President of the Minnesota Office Systems Assn. The business contacts I made through this group lead to life-long friendships.
MS-EXCEL 5.0 FOR WINDOWS - A PROFESSIONAL APPROACH, 1995, Columbus, OH: Glencoe/ Macmillan / McGraw-Hill. (Post-secondary level; year-long textbook) (Co-authored with N. M. Edgmand.)
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CAREER PROGRAMS, 1986, Curriculum Guide developed for the Minnesota Area Vocational/Technical Institute system, prepared with C. R. Hopkins and T. Bergstrom under a grant from the Minnesota State Board of Vocational Education.
INFORMATION PROCESSING: CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES, AND PROCEDURES. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1984. (Co-authored with J. F. Clark)
BUSINESS AND OFFICE EDUCATION: REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS OF RESEARCH. Third Edition. Columbus, Ohio: The Center for Research in vocational Education, The Ohio State University, 1981. (Co-authored with M. J. D'Onofrio, L. E. Jones, and P. A. Merrier)
FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA PROCESSING, Second Edition. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1981. (Co-authored with S. J. Wanous and G. E. Wagner.)
SHORTHAND: LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1980. (Co-authored with S. H. VanHuss and E. L. Christensen)
THIS BUSINESS OF METRICS, Units I-V. Instructional materials including audio-tapes, slides, and student workbooks. Mountain View, California: Western Tape, 1977, 1978. (Co-authored with L. Prigge.)
HANDBOOK FOR VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTORS INTERESTED IN COMPETENCY-BASED INSTRUCTION. Minneapolis: Minnesota Research Coordination Unit in Vocational and Technical Education, University of Minnesota, 1975. (Co-author with L. J. Burger.)
Articles, Book Chapters, and Research Reports
“The Need to Rethink the Purposes of Business Education: Results from a Delphi Study,” (2013). BUSINESS TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL, 39, pp. 22-29. (Co-Authored with C. Kesten.)
“Major Trends and Issues Affecting Business Education Curriculum Development,” (2012). In W. I. Stitt-Gohdes (Ed.), TRENDS AND ISSUES IN BUSINES EDUCATION, NBEA Yearbook, 2012, Chapter 1, pp. 1-15. Reston, VA: National Business Education Association. (Co-Authored with C. Kesten.)
“Evaluating and Assessing Student Performance,” (2008). In M. Rader (Ed.), EFFECTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING BUSINESS EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY, NBEA Yearbook, 2008, Chapter 6, pp. 80-93. Reston, VA: National Business Education Association. (Co-Authored with Marcia Bush.)
“Business Education Delphi Study of Future Directions for the Field: TAG Responses,” (2007, Winter). THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, 49(1), 15-25.
“Program Evaluation in Business Education,” (2007). In J. Marcia Bush (Ed.), ASSESSMENT FOR A CHANGING BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM, NBEA YEARBOOK, 2007, Chapter 15, pp. 186-201. Reston, VA: National Business Education Association. (Co-Authored with Peter Meggison)
"Business Educators’ Assessments of Trends, Assumptions, and Actions Affecting Practice in the Field,” (2005). BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM, 60(1), 44-48. (Co-authored with C. Kesten).
“‘Learning the Ropes’: On-the-Job Experiences of Computer Users.” (2004). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, LEARNING, AND PERFORMANCE JOURNAL, 22(2), 13-32. (Co-authored with D. H. Redmann, W. L. Stitt-Gohdes).
“Thomson Netg’s Blended-Learning Model: The Next Generation of Corporate and School-Based Learning, (2003, Fall). THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, 45(3), 145-161. (Co-Authored with S. L.T. Boyle, K. Kolosh, & J. L’Allier)
THOMSON JOB IMPACT STUDY: THE NEXT GENERATION OF CORPORATE LEARNING. (May, 2002). Corporate White Paper. Naperville, IL: Thomson/NETg. (Participant with NETg Team).
“Business Education: Preparation of Teachers.” (2002). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EDUCATION (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Macmillan Reference.
“The Critical Incident Technique: A Tool for Qualitative Research,” (2000). THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, 42(3), 132-153. (Co-authored with D. H. Redmann & W. L. Stitt-Gohdes)
"The Critical-Incident Technique in Job Behavior Research,“ (2000). JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, 25(1), 63-89. (Co-authored with W. L. Stitt-Gohdes & D. H. Redmann.)
Available at: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JVER/
“Developing End-User Technology Skills,” (2000, Spring), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, LEARNING, AND PERFORMANCE JOURNAL, 18(1), 7-19. Available Online: http://www.nyu.edu/education/alt/beprogram/osrajournal/vol18no1.html
“Characteristics of Good Assessment,” (2000). Chapter 3 in ASSESSMENT IN BUSINESS EDUCATION, 2000 National Business Education Association Yearbook, No. 38, Part II, Developing Assessment Tools in Business Education, pp. 25-38. Reston, VA: National Business Education Association.
Lambrecht, J. J., Redmann, D. H.; & Stitt-Gohdes, W. L. (April, 2000). ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION AND ADAPTATION: LEARNING THE ROPES IN THE WORKPLACE BY PRIMARY COMPUTER USERS. Final Report Submitted to the Delta Pi Epsilon Research Foundation.
"Selecting Appropriate Statistical Tests," (1999, Summer), THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, 41(3), 128-140.
¨DEVELOPING EMPLOYMENT-RELATED OFFICE TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. (1999, November). Final Report. MDS 1199. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education. Available Online: http://www.nccte.org/publications/ncrve/mds-11xx/index.html
“Promising Approaches for Teaching Technology Skills, Part 1,” (1998, December ). INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: AN APPLIED RESEARCH SERIES, 14(4), 1-6.
“Promising Approaches for Teaching Technology Skills, Part 2,” (1999, March ). INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: AN APPLIED RESEARCH SERIES, 15(1), 1-6.
“Promising Approaches for Teaching Technology Skills, Part 3,” (1999, June ). INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: AN APPLIED RESEARCH SERIES, 15(2), 1-6.
"Promising Approaches for Teaching Technology Skills," Spring, 1999. CENTERWORK: NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, 10(1), 3-5. Available Online: http://ncrve.berkeley.edu/CW10.1/CW10.1-WORK-2.html
"Teaching Technology-Related Skills," January/February, 1999, JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 144-151.
"Work in Progress at the University Of Minnesota: Developing Employment-Related Technology Skills, " Spring 1998, CENTERWORK: NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, 9(1), 1-2. Available Online: http://ncrve.berkeley.edu/CW91/CW91-WORK.html
“On-the-Job Experiences of Vocational Administrators that Develop Leadership Capabilities” 1998. JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 35-44. (Co-Authored with C. R. Hopkins, C. R. Finch, & J. Moss, Jr.). Received “Best Article” Award for Volume 23 in December 1999 by the American Vocational Education Research Association at the National Conference of the Association for Career and Technical Education meeting in Orlando, Florida.
“Teaching Problem Solving for Employment Preparation,” Spring, 1997. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION AND TRAINING, Vol. 6, pp. 17-49.
"IMPORTANCE OF ON-THE-JOB EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING LEADERSIHP CAPABILITIES. MDS-814. (October 1997. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education. (With C. R. Hopkins, J. Moss, and C. Finch)
¨MANUAL FOR THE LEADER EFFECTIVENESS INDEX. MDS 815. (1994. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education. (with J. Moss, C. Finch, and Q. Jensrud)
¨MANUAL FOR THE LEADER ATTRIBUTES INVENTORY. MDS 730. (1994. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education. (with J. Moss, C. Finch, and Q. Jensrud)
"Problem Identification in Research About Teaching Problem Solving," PROCEEDINGS for the 1992 National Delta Pi Epsilon Research Conference, November 12-14, 1992, Los Angeles, California.
"Applications Software as Cognitive Enhancers," JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON COMPUTING IN EDUCATION, Volume 25, No. 4, pp. 506-515, 1993.
"Research for Shaping the Future of Business Education," Chapter 11, STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR THE 1990s. National Business Education Yearbook, No. 28. Reston, Virginia: National Business Education Association, 1990. (Co-authored with Jolene Scriven).
"Research in Teacher Education: Business Education," Chapter 45, HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON TEACHER EDUCATION, Sponsored by Association of Teacher Educators. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990.
"Roadblocks to Teacher Education Restructuring," JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, Volume 14, No. 4, pp. 15-33, Fall 1989.
"Evaluating Students' Use of Microcomputer Applications," THE BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM, Volume 44, No. 2, pp. 24-25, November 1989.
"Research Questions Related to Teaching Software," THE BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM, 43:25-28, 1989.
"The Shrinking Research in Business Teacher Education," Manuscript presented at the National Delta Pi Epsilon Research Conference, November 12, 1988, Ft. Worth, Texas.
"Business Education--What is it Today," MBEI IN ACTION, Spring 1988, pp. 13-14.
¨"Selecting and Utilizing Hardware and Software in the Classroom," Chapter 10, BUSINESS EDUCATION FOR A CHANGING WORLD. National Business Education Association Yearbook, No. 25. Reston, Virginia: National Business Education Association, 1987.
"Where Does Business Education Fit in the Information Society," (1987). NABTE REVIEW, 14, pp. 11-17. (Selected as the outstanding business education article in 1987 and given the Alpha Award by Alpha Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon, New York University, in 1988. Selected as the outstanding article in the NABTE REVIEW in 1987 and content of article presented at the NABTE Session at the 1988 NBEA Convention.)
"Issues Related to Academic Preparation for Business," part of Panel Presentation on Role of Business Education in Education Reform and complete manuscript included in CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS for the National Delta Pi Epsilon Research Conference, November, 14, 1986, Chicago, Illinois.
INSTRUCTIONAL MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS USED BY BUSINESS TEACHERS IN MINNESOTA. Research Report. Funded by the Department of Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education. St. Paul: University of Minnesota. January 1986.
"Preparing Teachers for Using Computers in Instruction," EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 24:16-20, September 1984. (Co-authored with C. C. Carrier)
"Selecting Electronic Equipment: Limited Resources vs. Multiple Options," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION, 59:220-224, March 1984.
"Vocational-Industrial Education--Business Education," Chapter in the INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EDUCATION: RESEARCH AND STUDIES, 1984 by Pergamon Press. pp. 607-618. (Co-authored with C. R. Hopkins)
"Computer Assisted Instruction in Typing, " EDUCATIONAL COMPUTER MAGAZINE 3:42-44, 66-68, May/June 1983. (Co-authored with J. M. Pullis)
"Review of Research in Business Data Processing," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 57:290-297, April 1982.
"At Home with the Computer," VOCED 57:46, 50-51, April 1982. (Co-authored with J. McClelland)
"New Microcomputer Teaching Competencies," THE BALANCE SHEET 63:233-236, 278, March 1982.
"Secondary and Postsecondary Data Processing Teachers: Do They Differ?" JOURNAL OF DATA EDUCATION 22:13-16, October 1981. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean. Reprint of article appearing in same journal July 1976)
¨POTENTIAL FOR USING APTITUDE TESTS FOR SHORTHAND SYSTEM SELECTION AND PROGNOSIS OF SUCCESS. Paper presented at the 1981 AERA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 13-17, 1981, and published in Beta Beta Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon Research Monograph, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, 1981.
LAMBRECHT SHORTHAND APTITUDE TEST AND TEACHER'S MANUAL. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, 1981.
"Assessment of Attitudes of First-Year Gregg and Forkner Shorthand Students," NABTE REVIEW, No. 7, 1980, pp. 15-19.
"Special Competency Requirements, Section A: Data Processing Personnel," Chapter 16, THE CHANGING OFFICE ENVIRONMENT. National Business Education Yearbook, No. 18. Reston, Virginia: National Business Education Association, 1980, pp. 166-169.
"Word processing Educational Programs," COMMERCIAL WEST 159:14-15, 29, January 19, 1980.
"Curriculum Guidelines for High School Data Processing," READINGS IN TEACHING BUSINESS SUBJECTS. (Edited by L. C. Nanassy) Belmont, California: Fearon Pitman Publishers, Inc., 1980. (Reprint of article in BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM 32:29-31, December 1977.)
"Metrication in Shorthand," METRICATION IN BUSINESS EDUCATION. (Edited by L. Prigge). Reston, Virginia: National Business Education Association, 1979.
"Comparing Achievement Among Shorthand Systems: A Research Synthesis," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 55:78-81, November 1979.
"Professional Shorthand Teacher's Corner," CENTURY 21 REPORTER. Fall 1979, p. 8.
"Uses of Alternative Shorthand Systems After High School," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION, 54:226-230, February 1979.
"First- and Second-Year Shorthand Achievement for Century 21, Forkner, and Gregg Shorthand," THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, 20:12-26, October 1978.
"Evaluation of First-Year Shorthand Achievement," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION, 53:231-232, February 1978.
EVALUATION OF FIRST-YEAR SHORTHAND ACHIEVEMENT. FINAL REPORT Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, September 1977.
"Data Processing: Curriculum Guidelines for High School Data Processing," BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM, 32:29-31, December 1977.
"Data Processing In-Service Needs for Teachers," JOURNAL OF DATA EDUCATION, 17:13-21, July 1977. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean; reprint of three articles in July 1976; October 1976; and January 1977, issues of same journal)
"Needs of the High School Data Processing Teachers," BUSINESS EDUCATION WORLD 58:18-19, 23, September-October 1977. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean)
"Content and Methodology Background and Perceived Competencies of Data Processing Teachers," NABTE REVIEW, 1976-77, pp. 25-29. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean)
"Secondary and Postsecondary Data Processing Teachers: What are Their D. P. Methodological In-Service Needs?" JOURNAL OF DATA EDUCATION 17:5-7, 10, January 1977. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean)
"Secondary and Postsecondary Data Processing Teachers: What are Their D. P. Content In-Service Needs?" JOURNAL OF DATA EDUCATION 17:5-7, October 1976. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean)
"Secondary and Postsecondary Data Processing Teachers: How Do They Differ?" JOURNAL OF DATA EDUCATION 16:10-13, July 1976. (Co-authored with G. N. McLean)
"Selecting the Most Appropriate Shorthand System," BUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM 30:19, May 1976.
"Possibilities and Limitations of Individualized Instruction in Business Education," INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION IN BUSINESS EDUCATION--PERSPECTIVE, OPINION AND DIALOGUE. Position Papers presented at the Invitational Business Education Forum, October 15-17, 1975. Provo, Utah: Alpha Omega Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon, Brigham Young University, 1975
"A Historical Development of Office Education", Chapter 4, BUSINESS EDUCATION: YESTERDAY, TODAY, and TOMORROW. National Business Education Yearbook, No. 14. Reston, Virginia: National Business Education Association, 1976, pp. 76-93.
"Shorthand Shortcuts," AMERICAN METRIC JOURNAL 3:38-39, November-December, 1975.
"Observations on First Attempts to Individualize," THE DELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL 17:1-14, February 1975.
"Choices for Teachers Too--When They 'Individualize,' Parts I, II, and III," JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 50:148-150, 207-208, and 237-238, January, February, and March 1975.
"Business Education Keeps Pace," AMERICAN VOCATIONAL JOURNAL 49:40-42, September 1974. (Co-authored with R. A. Ristau)