Ana Carolina Rodriguez
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Coordinator of the Master of Learning and Talent Development

Areas of interest
Work-life relationships
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging
Ethics of care
Organizanization Development
Critical Human Resource Development
PhD, Human Resource Development, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
MBA, Human Resource, Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA), Brazil -
B.S., Food Engineering, University of Campinas, Brazil
My research interests revolve around the relationship between paid work and other aspects of our lives, like caregiving and self-care. I am particularly interested in exploring healthier ways of approaching work and how organizations and public policies can promote just and equitable workplaces. In particular, I focus on diversity, inclusion, and belonging, as well as the adoption of ethics of care as a moral framework for human resource development. I like to examine these topics from an organizational development perspective. I have over 20 years of experience in the fields of Organization Development and Human Resources, having worked as an HR/OD manager, an OD consultant, and leading my own small consulting business. I am also a Professional Certified Coach (ICF-PCC) and a Certified Conflict Mediator.
Courses Taught
OLPD 3641 - Introduction to Organization Development
Professional Affiliations
● Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD)
● International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Rodriguez, A. C., Lobo, D., Ardichvili, A. A., & Casa Nova, S. P. de C. (2023). What does caring HRD look like in practice? A case study of two social enterprises in Brazil. Human Resource Development International.
Lobo, D., Rodriguez, A. C., Casa Nova, S. P. de C., & Ardichvili, A. A. (2022). Five Practices for Building Local Capacity in Sustainability-Driven Entrepreneurship for Place-Based Transformations. Sustainability, 14(5), 3027.
Rodriguez, A.C., Casa Nova, S., Quintão, A. A. & Ardichvili, A.(2023). Ethics of care in the corporate world: An illusion? [Conference presentation abstract]. 23rd International University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Rodriguez, A.C., & Oteman, Q. (2023). Fostering decent work – Supporting low-income youth school-to-work transition. [Conference presentation abstract]. AHRD Annual Conference 2023, Minneapolis.
Rodriguez, A.C. (2022). How parenting a person with a disability impacts parents' professional experience. [Doctoral Symposium presentation abstract]. 22nd International University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Rodriguez, A.C., & Kim, S. (2021). Reviewing interventions to foster gender equality at leadership positions. [Conference presentation abstract]. AHRD Virtual Annual Conference 2022, Arlington, USA.
Rodriguez, A.C., Lobo, D., Casa Nova, S., & Ardichvili, A. (2021). Caring HRD: Advancing understanding of HRD as a practice of care. [Conference presentation abstract]. AHRD Virtual Annual Conference 2022, Arlington, USA.
Lobo, D.; Rodriguez, A.C., Casa Nova, S.; Ardichvili, A. (2021). Human Resource Development as a catalyst for community development: practices of social enterprises for building sustainable communities. In: TAKE 2021 Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy, Porto.
Lobo, D.; Rodriguez, A.C., Casa Nova, S.; Ardichvili, A. (2021). Doing Social Entrepreneurship and (Un)Doing Gender: Shifting gender frames as an entrepreneurship practice for sustainable community development. Gender, Work & Organization: 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Canterbury.