College of Education and Human Development

Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development

CIDE programs well-represented at CIES 2025

The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Comparative and International Development Education graduate programs will be well represented at the 2025 annual meeting of CIES, the Comparative and International Education Society: Envisioning Education in a Digital Society, taking place March 22-26, 2025 in Chicago, IL.

24 separate sessions at the event will feature students, faculty, and alumni affiliated with the CIDE programs—including presentations, roundtable discussions, book launches, pre-conference workshops, and poster presentations. 

See below for a daily schedule: 

    Bhaskar Upadhyay, Lindsey Smaka, Samantha Barragan 

    • Session Cultural Connections and Global Perspectives in Teacher Training 
      1:15 to 2:30pm, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Clark 10
    • Presentation: Cultural justice in STEAM Teacher professional development in Nepal

    Enet Mukurazita, Meixi (Chairs)

    • Roundtable Session 1: Sharing the mist: An interdisciplinary journey of international women doctoral students
      1:15 to 2:30 pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Crystal Room

    Erma Mujic 

    • Session: A focus on community: Civil society and non-formal approaches to education and peacebuilding for crisis-affected learners
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, The Kimball Room
    • Presentation: “I come here to forget about my struggles”: How nonformal education in Greece empowers displaced youth through transition and uncertainty

    Baiwen Peng 

    • Session: International Students and Social Media and Digital Learning
      9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Burnham 1
    • Presentation: Social media as public pedagogy: The development of news literacy of Chinese international students in the United States

    Dane Richard Rowley 

    • Session: Complex student experiences and the role of technology
      9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Crystal Room
    • Presentation: Border Benders: Queer International Student Experiences in U.S. Universities

    Christopher Johnstone 

    • Session: Diverse challenges facing education: case studies on climate change, edu-tourism, inclusive education and Kyrgyzstan
      9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Crystal Room
    • Presentation: Rethinking the Role of Inclusive Education

    Nikoo Nikoonazari

    • Session: Teacher, student, and practitioner perspectives on contemporary issues in gender and education
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, The Marshfield Room
    • Presentation: Digital Spaces of Hope, Solidarity, and Informal Education in the Women, Life, Freedom Movement: Kurdish Identity and Social Justice in Iran

    Saule Sadykova and Bhaskar Upadhyay

    • Session: Rethinking Higher Education Curriculum, Learning Spaces and Practices
      8:00 to 9:15am, Virtual Rooms, Virtual Room #108
    • Presentation: Analyzing the Role of Research Methods Courses in Shaping Educational Research Practices

    Meixi, Erma Mujic, Giselle Caretto, Maria Cecilia 

    • Session: Coastal communities in Latin America: Honoring children’s everyday sensemaking of changing lands and waters
      March 24, 9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Clark 10
    • Presentation: Cultivating relational worlds  

    Maria C. Schwedhelm, Erma Mujic, Giselle Caretto, Meixi

    • Session: Coastal communities in Latin America: Honoring children’s everyday sensemaking of changing lands and waters
      9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Clark 10
    • Presentation : Caminatas as intergenerational participatory research with more-than-human worlds

    Endah Ratnasari

    • Session: Gender Mainstreaming Strategies and Narratives in Promoting Gender-Responsive Schools in Indonesian Secondary Education
      March 24, 2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Exhibit Hall (Posters)
    • Poster: Gender Mainstreaming Strategies and Narratives in Promoting Gender-Responsive Schools in Indonesian Secondary Education

    Roozbeh Shirazi 

    • Session: Education and Palestine: Defying Imposed Boundaries, Resisting Erasure, & Charting Educational Praxis Across Spaces
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Dearborn 2
    • Presentation: Teaching Palestine: Praxes of Transgression and Possibility

    Enet Mukurazita

    • Session:Origin Theories of Learning: Recentering Indigenous Strategies of Learning and Life in Comparative and International Education
      4:30 to 5:45pm, Palmer House, Clark 7
    • Presentation: Ngano Methodology

    Yilin Wei and Xun Yu 

    • Session: Origin Theories of Learning: Recentering Indigenous Strategies of Learning and Life in Comparative and International Education
      4:30 to 5:45pm, Palmer House, Clark 7
    • Presentation: Healing Knowledge: Power, Pain, and Intergenerational Healing in Learning Theories

    Sunga Kufeyani

    • Session: Origin Theories of Learning: Recentering Indigenous Strategies of Learning and Life in Comparative and International Education
      4:30 to 5:45pm, Palmer House, Clark 7
    • Presentation: Integrating Community Knowledge in Pre-Service Teacher Education for Climate Change Education: Addressing Eco-Colonialism in Malawi through Participatory Design-Based Research

    Giselle Carretto, Meixi, Erma Mujic, Maria Cecilia Schwedhelm 

    • Session: Origin Theories of Learning: Recentering Indigenous Strategies of Learning and Life in Comparative and International Education
      4:30 to 5:45pm, Palmer House, Clark 7
    • Presentation: Relational Learning on Storywalks: More-Than-Humans as interlocutors in Knowledge and Theory-Making

    Cody Freeman 

    • Session: Being in the Present, Making of the Future: How Thai LGBTIQNA+ Youth Engage in the Process of Worldmaking
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Exhibit Hall (Posters)
    • Presentation: Being in the Present, Making of the Future: How Thai LGBTIQNA+ Youth Engage in the Process of Worldmaking

    Vongrathayuth Hingphith

    • Session: Policy mechanisms and glocal shifts: Shaping futures of education in Southeast Asia
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, The Logan Room
    • Presentation: Exploring the Discourse on "Digital" in Cambodian Education: An Analysis of Policies and Publications on Digital Literacy and the Digital Economy

    Ainur Jumagaliyeva

    • Session: Student experiences in higher education  
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, The Ashland Room
    • Presentation: Career decision-making difficulties of undergraduate students in Kazakhstan

    Qin Xie

    • Session: Perils and Promises of Generative AI in Higher Education: Comparative Insights from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mongolia, and the U.S.
      2:45 to 4:00pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Salon 7
    • Presentation: Navigating Global and Local Generative AI Tools in Higher Education: Promises from Chinese Students

    Roozbeh Shirazi

    • Session: Pedagogies of Migration: Teaching and Learning across Global Contexts
      4:30 to 5:45pm, Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Burnham 5
    • Presentation: Teaching and Learning with Migrant Youth: Towards a Pedagogy of the Meanwhile

    Kristina Cibuzar

    • Session: Global commitment and policies to inclusive education
      9:45 to 11:00am, Palmer House, Floor: 5th Floor, The Price Room
    • Presentation: From access accommodations to inclusive education: How the Covid-19 pandemic precipitated change

     Kae Takaoka 

    • Session: Exploring teachers' experiences in challenging educational contexts
      1:15 to 2:30pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, The Marshfield Room
    • Presentation: Culturally relevant self-study methodology with Japanese teachers: Navigating the strings of the “air” to understand intimate knowledge in education

    Matthew Schuelka and Roozbeh Shirazi

    • Session: Postdigital pedagogies in the omnidigital video era: educators and the CIES film festivalette curators discuss films they use and why.
      Wed, March 26, 9:45am to 12:30pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Salon 8

    Aditi Ashok Arur, Joan DeJaeghere, Chris Johnstone, Nancy Pellowski Wiger, Matthew Schuelka  

    • Session: Advocating for quality education for all in a digitalising world: Civil society’s engagement in education policymaking through Education Out Loud
      Wed, March 26, 1:15 to 2:30pm, Palmer House, Floor: 3rd Floor, Crystal Room
    • Roundtable Session 12: “Facilitated Reflexive and Multi-modal Exchange” (FRAME): Reflecting on EOL Grantees’ Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) advocacy frameworks