Darrius Stanley
Pronouns: he, him, his
Assistant Professor; Carmen Starkson Campbell Endowed Fellow for Innovation in Teacher Development

Areas of interest
Black Education
Black Educator Retention
Community Engaged Educational Leadership
Urban Education
PhD, Michigan State University, K-12 Educational Administration
MEd, University of Central Florida, Educational Leadership
BS, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Social Science Education (History)
My work centers the political, educational, and philosophical perspectives of Black people to unearth Black genius and possibility in education. I intend to explore and uplift Black people’s communal ways of knowing and existing in education, in hopes of envisioning a path to educational liberation. My scholarship sits at the intersection(s) of Black education, Black educators, and educational leadership. I leverage historical, community-based, and intersectional qualitative methodologies to better understand the experiences of Black educators in K-12 educational spaces. Further, my work builds on the rich legacy of Black educators as community educators to envision and conceptualize community-engaged educational leadership praxis.
Professional Affiliations
- University Council of Educational Administration
- American Educational Research Association (Division A)
- 2024 Michigan State University College of Education Alumni Award
- Book award for #BlackEducatorsMatter
Stanley, D. A. (in press). Still in search of home: A critical race analysis of Black teacher turnover and exclusion. Journal of Negro Education.
Stanley, D. A., & Hinnant-Crawford, B. N. (2022). A Charge to Keep I Have: Black women teachers’ spirituality and the implications for educational leaders. Gender and Education, 34(7), 821-837.
Stanley, D. A., & Gilzene, A. (2022). Listening, Engaging, Advocating and Partnering (L.E.A.P): A model for responsible community engaged leadership. Journal of Research on Leadership Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/19427751221076409
Coles, J., & Stanley, D. A. (2021). Black Liberatory Thought in Teacher Education: A historical literacy for (re)envisioning U.S. educator preparation to defend Black life and possibility. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 16(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.15760/nwjte.2021.16.2.6
Stanley, D. A. (2020). Blood, sweat and tears: The organizational experiences of Black women teachers. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2020.1828647