David Chapman
Professor Emeritus; Birkmaier Professor of Educational Leadership
Organizational Leadership, Policy And Development
206 Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0226 - 612-626-8728
- chapm026@umn.edu
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
Education planning in developing countries
The role of higher education in national development
The impact of national policy on school practice
Cross-border collaboration in higher education
Evaluation of international development assistance in education
Ph.D., Syracuse University, higher education administration; program evaluation
M.A., Colgate University, education
B.A., Kalamazoo College, psychology/biology/philosophy
My work has focused on development of education systems in low- and middle-income countries. I have worked in more than 55 countries, assisting national governments and international organizations in the areas of educational policy and planning, program design and evaluation. Much of my recent work has focused on cross-border collaboration in higher education, faculty incentive systems in higher education, and factors influencing the quality of teacher work life in developing country contexts. One of the aspects I most enjoy about my work is its interdisciplinary nature. Complex educational issues are interwoven with the larger social and economic issues facing a country - they don't exist in the abstract.
Over the last few years, I served as Team Leader for UNESCO Institute of Statistics-sponsored study of graduate education in Southeast Asia and an Asian Development Bank-sponsored study of higher education in Asia. During 2014, I had Fulbright Fellowship to work with the National Higher Education Research Center in Penang, Malaysia. For the last six years, I have co-directed (with Dr. Joan DeJaeghere) a six-year longitudinal study of the impact of entrepreneurship education on the lives of economically disadvantaged youth across three countries of East Africa, sponsored by the MasterCard Foundation, Canada. I have also served as team leader of an evaluation of the U.S. government's African Education Initiative, led an external evaluation of the UNICEF African Girls' Education Initiative, and participated in a World Bank study of secondary school teachers in sub-Saharan Africa.
- 2016 - Lifetime Contribution Award, higher education group, Comparative and International Education Society
- 2013 - Awarded a Fulbright Fellowship (Malaysia)
- 2011 - Co-edited volume named Best Book of the Year in International Higher Education by the Comparative and International Education Society (higher education SIG)
- 2009 - Awarded the University of Minnesota Global Engagement Award and title of Distinguished International Professor
- 2009 - Awarded the Emma Birkmaier Endowed Professorship in Educational Leadership
- 2007 - Appointed as a Fulbright New Century Scholar (research in Oman)
- 2006 - Awarded the Rodney Wallace Professor of Education (endowed professorship.
- 2001 - Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
Professional Affiliations
- Comparative and International Education Society
- Association for the Study of Higher
Pellowski Wiger, N., Chapman, D. W., Baxter, A., & DeJaeghere, J. (in press). Context matter: A model of the factors associated with the effectiveness of youth entrepreneurship training. PROSPECTS: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education.
Chapman, D. W, & Sarvi, J. (in press). Widely recognized problems, controversial solutions: Issues and strategies for higher education development in East and Southeast Asia, In J. Mok (Ed.) Managing international connectivity and diversity of learning: East Asian perspective, Springer Series on Higher Education in East Asia: Quality, Excellence and Governance, New York: Springer.
Chapman, D. W., Pekol, A. & Wilson, E. (2015). Cross-border university networks as a development strategy: Lessons from three networks, International Review of Education, 60(5), 619-637.
Chapman, D. W. & Chien, C-L (2015). Expanding up after expanding out: Graduate education in Malaysia and Thailand. Higher Education Studies, 5(3). doi:10.5539/hes.v5n3p1
Kuzhabekova, A., Hendel, D. D., & Chapman, D. W. (2015). Mapping global research on international higher education. Research in Higher Education. doi: 10.1007/s11162-015-9371-1
Chapman, D. W. & Lindner, S. (2014). Degrees of integrity: The threat of corruption in higher education. Studies in Higher Education. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2014.927854
Baxter, A., Chapman, D. W., DeJaeghere, J., Pekol, A., & Weiss, T. (2014). How can entrepreneurship training offer an effective strategy for poverty reduction? A review of literature and international experience. In A. Weisman (Ed.), International education innovation and public sector entrepreneurship. Emerald Publishers.
Watson, C., Chapman, D. W., & Okurut, C. O. (2014). The experience of receiving and then losing a scholarship: a tracer study of secondary school scholarship recipients in Uganda. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 20(6), 494-511. doi: 10.1080/13803611.2014.980431
Chapman, D. W., Al-Barwani, T., Al Maawali, F. & Jones. T. (2014). Similar paths, different destinations: Gender differences in teacher career paths in Oman. International Journal of Educational Reform, 23(1).
Chapman, D. W., Austin, A., Farah, S., Wilson, E.& Ridge, N. (2013). Academic Staff in the UAE: Unsettled Journey. Higher Education Policy, 1-21. doi:0952-8733/13
Chapman, D. W., Al-Barwani, T., Al Maawali, F. & Green, E. (2012). Ambivalent journey: Teacher career paths in Oman. International Review of Education, 58(3), 387-403.
Jami, F. A., Burton, L. & Chapman, D. W. (2012). Does increasing instructional time lead to higher student achievement? Evidence from India. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(3), 208-221.
Shaw, M. A., Chapman, D. W. & Rumyantseva, N. L. (2011). Organizational culture in the adoption of the bologna process: A study of academic staff at a Ukrainian university. Studies in Higher Education, 1-15. doi:10.1080/03075079.2011.614336
Shaw, M. A., Chapman, D. W. & Rumyantseva, N. L. (2011). Caught in a double bind: the impacts of the Bologna Process on academic staff in Ukraine. Higher Education Management and Policy, 23(3), 71-91.
Chapman, D. W., Cummings, W. & Postiglione, G. (Eds.). (2010). Crossing borders and bridging minds in higher education. New York: Springer Publishing. [Named Best Book of the Year by the higher education SIG, Comparative and International Education Society.]
Updated August 30, 2017