David Johnson
Professor; Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Evaluation Studies

Areas of interest
Special Education Policy
Graduation and Transition of Youth with Disabilities
Postschool Outcomes
Achievement Gap
Postsecondary Education
Student Engagement
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1987, educational policy and administration
M.S., Mankato State University, 1977, rehabilitation counseling
B.A., University of Minnesota, 1973, sociology
David R. Johnson, Ph.D. was Senior Associate Dean for Research and Policy, an Emma Birkmaier Professor of Educational Leadership, and Director of the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) in the College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota. Dr. Johnson's faculty appointment was in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development where he conducted research, taught courses, and advised graduate students in evaluation studies and research methods. He was Principal Investigator of numerous research, training, and demonstration projects. His research interests included investigations of postschool outcomes, school completion, state systems change, cost-benefit analysis, and other policy-related research. Dr. Johnson published more than 100 book chapters, journal articles, research monographs, technical reports, and products on topics concerning secondary education, special education, interagency collaboration, and other themes related to his research interests. His research and evaluation results have been used by U.S. Congressional committees, state legislatures, state education agencies, and other organizations.
Davila, H., Johnson, D. R., & Sullivan, J. L. (2020). Prioritizing LTSS Quality: Exploring the Views of Older Adults, Families, and Professionals. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 1-21.
Nye-Lengerman, K., Gunty, A., Johnson, D. R., & Hawes, M. (2019). What matters: Lessons learned from the implementation of PROMISE model demonstration projects. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(2), 275-284.
Johnson, D. R. (2005). Supported employment trends: Implications for transition-age youth. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 29(4), 243-247.
Johnson, D. R. & Bremer, C. (2005). Comparison of the secondary education and transition provisions of the 1997 and 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals.
Sharpe, M. N., Johnson, D. R., & Murray, H. (2004). An analysis of instruction accommodations and assistive technologies used by postsecondary graduates with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 17(4), 1-9.
Ysseldyke, J., Nelson, R., Christenson, S, Johnson, D. R., Dennison, A, Triezenberg, H., Sharpe, M, and Hawes, M. (2004). What we know and need to know about the consequences of high stakes testing for students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 71(1), 75-96.
Johnson, D. R., Stodden, R. A., Emanuel, E. J., Luecking, R., & Mack, M. (2002). Current challenges facing secondary education and transition services: What research tells us. Exceptional Children, 68(4), 519-531.
Thurlow, M., & Johnson, D. R. (2000). High-stakes testing and students with disabilities. Journal of Teacher Education, 51(4), 305-314.
Lehr, C. A., Johnson, D. R., Bremer, C. D., Cosio, A., & Thompson, M. (2004). Increasing rates of school completion: Moving from policy and research to practice. Minneapolis, MN: Institute on Community Integration, National Center on Secondary Education and Transition, University of Minnesota.
Johnson, D. R., & Thurlow, M. L. (2004). A national study on graduation requirements and diploma options for youth with disabilities. Minneapolis, MN: National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota.