finn j. schneider
Pronouns: they, them, theirs
Higher Education

Areas of interest
- Antiracist pedagogy
- Sexual violence prevention
- Queer subjectivities
- Whiteness studies
- Critical and collaborative methodologies
PhD, Higher Education, University of Minnesota
MEd, Higher Education and Student Affairs, University of Vermont, 2010
schneider, f. j. & Nicolazzo, Z. (2020). Whiteness and anti-racist pedagogy: A critical discourse analysis of two trans* educators’ classroom experiences. Whiteness and Education.
Mitchell, T. D., schneider, f. j., & Soria, K. M. (2019). Community engagement experiences of college students with minoritized sexual and gender identities. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 7(1).
Mohajeri, O., Rodriguez, F., & schneider, f. j. (2019). Pursuing intersectionality as a pedagogical tool in the higher education classroom. In W. C. Byrd, S. Ovink, & R. Bann-Bevel (Eds.) Intersectionality and higher education: Identity and inequality on college campuses. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
schneider, f. j., Alexander, Q. D., & Mitchell, T. D. (2018). Necessary yet insufficient: Contextualizing Trans* identities in campus climate research. In K. Soria (Ed.) Evaluating campus climate at U.S. research universities: Opportunities for diversity and inclusion. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
schneider, f. j. (2010). Where do we belong?: Addressing the needs of transgender students in higher education. The Vermont Connection Student Affairs Journal, 31, 96-106.
schneider, f. j. (2020, April). What's in a name? The paradoxes and possibilities of a white antiracist campus group [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)
Mason, A. M., Kiesel, R. C., Hong, Y., Sims, N. I., schneider, f. j. & Yang, A. (2020, April). Toward intersectional collectivity in critical whiteness studies [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)
schneider, f. j. & Slattery, I. (2019, November). Praxis and possibility: Interrogating internalized dominance, disrupting white supremacy and patriarchy [Workshop Session]. Overcoming Racism Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
schneider, f. j. (2019, November). Queer subjectivities in critical whiteness studies: The possibilities and paradoxes of antiracist teaching [Paper Session]. American Educational Studies Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.
schneider, f. j. & Mitchell, T. D. (2019, April). (Re)considering LGBTQ students' decisions in naming their gender and sexuality in educational research [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
schneider, f. j. & Nicolazzo, Z. (2018, November). Whiteness and anti-racist pedagogy: A critical discourse analysis of two trans* educators’ classroom experiences [Paper Session]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.
Johnston-Guerrero, M. P., schneider, f. j., Anderson Ashlee, A., Garcia, G. A., Johnson, C. M., & Sasaki, C. (2018, June). Feeling boxed in? Understanding the paradoxical nature of identity categories [Symposium]. National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education, New Orleans, LA.
Lou. H., schneider, f. j., Jackson, R., & Uehara, M. (2018, June). Should I check that box? Categorical imperatives within changing political landscapes [Symposium]. National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education, New Orleans, LA.
Mitchell, T. D. & schneider, f. j. (2018, April). Service learning experiences of college students with minoritized sexual and gender identities [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Garvey, J. C., Mitchell, T. D., Bidner, C., & schneider, f. j. (2018, April). LGBTQ undergraduate and post-graduation civic engagement and volunteerism [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
schneider, f. j. & Jourian, T. J. (2018, March). Disidentifying dominance: Disruptive masculinities and intentionality [Paper Session]. American Men’s Studies Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Mitchell, T. D., schneider, f. j., & Soria, K. M. (2017, November). Queer and trans* in community engagement: Understanding LGBTQ participation in service [Paper Session]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Jourian, T. J., Simmons, S., Nicolazzo, Z., Stewart, D. L., Pitcher, E. N., schneider, f. j., & Whitehead, M. A. (2017, November). Not your t*oken: The power of trans(*) and gender non-conforming scholars [Symposium]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Mitchell, T. D. & schneider, f. j., & Soria, K. M. (2017, October). Service learning and college students with minoritized sexual and gender identities: A mixed methods analysis [Paper Session]. National Symposium of LGBTQ Research in Higher Education, DeKalb, IL.
Lou, H., schneider, f. j., & Johnston-Guerrero, M. P. (2017, March). Who gets to choose? Complicating fluid identities in higher education [Symposium]. American College Personnel Association Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.
schneider, f. j. (2015, November). Trans*formative justice: Utilizing critical transgender politics to create equitable inclusion [Workshop Session]. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators - Western Regional Conference, Oakland, CA.
schneider, f. j. (2015, November). Social justice pitfalls: Reflecting on dominance and whiteness in activist spaces [Workshop Session]. University of California, Davis’ Empowerment Conference, Davis, CA.
schneider, f. j. (2015, March). Trans* and Title IX: Moving from mandates to equitable inclusion [Workshop Session]. American College Personnel Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.
Jourian, T. J., Nicolazzo, Z., schneider, f. j., Simmons, S., Pitcher, E. N., Turner, J., Johnson, A. (2015, March). T*Circle: A dialogue among trans* higher education professionals [Symposium]. American College Personnel Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.