Lisa S. Kaler, PhD
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Higher Education, 2021

Areas of interest
- College student mental health
- Graduate student mental health
- College student suicide
- College student development
- Graduate student mothers
PhD, Higher Education, University of Minnesota, 2021
MA, Higher Education, University of Minnesota, 2017
BA, French & Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia, 2010
I am interested in the mental health of undergraduate and graduate students. In particular, I am interested in critical approaches to studying mental health so that colleges and universities can better serve students from marginalized populations. My dissertation research uses critical suicidology to unpack the discourses about suicide present on a large, university campus.
I have taught courses in Student Academic Success Services at the University of Minnesota, where I was also an academic skills coach. Prior to returning to graduate school, I worked at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I worked in the student conduct office and I worked closely with the university's student mental health response teams.
I was awarded the University of Minnesota's Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in 2020.
After completing my degree, I cofounded Steiner|Kaler, a consulting firm focused on improving graduate and professional student mental health and wellbeing through sustainable and strategic change.
I live in Saint Paul with my spouse, our daughter, and two Spanish Water Dogs.
Kaler, L. S. (In press). Rethinking the study of college student suicide: Critical suicidology and higher education. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs.
Kaler, L. S., Fulton, L. N., Vang, Z., & Stebleton, M. J. (In press). “You should be home snuggling your baby.” Scholar-mothers navigating maternal microaggressions in the academy. In H. Oliha-Donaldson (Ed.) Confronting critical equity and inclusion incidents on campus: Lessons learned and emerging practices. Rutgers University Press.
Kaler, L. S., & Stebleton, M. J. (2020). Graduate student mental health: Examining an overlooked concern. Journal of Student Affairs, XXIX, 101-110.
Kaler, L. S., Stebleton, M. J., & Potts, C. (2020). "It makes me feel even Worse:" Empowering first-year women to reconsider social media's impact on mental health. About Campus, 24(6), 10-17.
Stebleton, M. J. & Kaler, L. S. (2020). Preparing college students for the end of work: The role of meaning. Journal of College and Character, 21(2), 132-139.
Stebleton, M. J., Kaler, L. S., Lee, C., & Diamond, K. (2020). Examining career readiness in a liberal arts undergraduate career planning course. Journal of Employment Counseling, 57(1), 14-26.
Stebleton, M. J., & Kaler, L. S. (2020). Exacerbated inequities: Food insecurity, COVID-19, and higher education. The Gender Policy Report.
Stebleton, M. J., & Kaler, L. S. (2020). Re-envisioning work in uncertain times: A focus on small victories. Journal of College and Character, JCC Connexions, 6(2).
Stebleton, M. J., & Kaler, L. S. (2020). Promoting graduate student mental health: The role of student affairs professionals and faculty. Journal of College and Character, JCC Connexions, 6(1).
Kaler, L. S. (2019). Full mind? Make time for mindfulness. ASHE Grads.
Stebleton, M. J., Franklin, M., Lee, C., and Kaler, L. S. (2019). Not just for undergraduates: Examining a university narrative-based management course for engineering graduate students. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, 18(2), 64-77.
Kaler, L. S., Stebleton, M. J., & Potts, C. (Accepted, 2020). “I hate myself for it”: First-year students’ experiences with cognitive dissonance using social media. Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference. Virtual.
Kaler, L. S., & Stebleton, M. J. (2020). Exploring the mental health crisis on campus & the role of the career educator. National Career Development Association annual conference. Minneapolis, MN. (Conference canceled)
Kaler, L. S. (2020). The construction of suicide at a university. Critical Suicide Studies. Vancouver, CN. (Conference canceled)
Kaler, L. S., Fulton, L., N., Vang, Z., & Stebleton, M. J. (2020). Combating maternal microaggressions: Exploring scholar-mother experiences. Association for American Colleges and Universities: Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference. New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)
Barajas H., Lewis, J., & Kaler, L. S. (2020). #Thrive: A student and faculty partnership to support graduate student mental health. Association for American Colleges and Universities: Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference. New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)
Kaler, L. S., Stebleton, M. J., & Potts, C. (2020). First-year college students’ use of social media: Impacts on mental health and sense of belonging. American Educational Research Association annual meeting. San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled)
Lewis, J., & Kaler, L. S. (2020). #ThriveOLPD: One department supporting graduate student mental health and development. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Austin, TX. (Conference canceled)
Kaler, L. S., & Stebleton, M. J. (2020). The mental health crisis on campus and the evolving role of academic advisors. John Tate Professional Development Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Kaler, L. S., Stebleton, M. J., & Potts, C. (2020). Belonging or just longing? Supporting social media era interpersonal relationships. Facilitated dialogue session. National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, First-Year Experience Conference. Washington, DC.
Potts, C., Kaler, L. S., & Stebleton, M. J. (2020). Promoting first-year mental health and belonging: Impacts of social media. Concurrent session to be presented at American College Personal Association annual convention. Nashville, TN.
Kaler, L. S. (2019). Reimagining the study of college student suicide: Introducing critical suicidology to higher education. Paper presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference. Portland, OR.
Miksch, K., Sun, J., and Kaler, L. S. (2018). From black arm bands to the present: How courts grapple with campus protest. Paper presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference. Tampa, FL.