Samira Chatila, PhD
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Comparative and International Development Education

Areas of interest
- Education policy
- Educational institutions
- Education in emergencies
- Comparative case studies
PhD, Comparative and International Development Education, 2024
MA, Education, Lebanese American University, 2019
BS, Medical Laboratory Sciences, American University of Beirut, 2016
Samira Chatila is an alumna of the Comparative and International Development Education PhD program at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.
From development miracle to development disaster? A comparative study of the role of two elite American universities in the national development of Lebanon.
UMN Diversity Advisory Council Microgrant (Nov 2023)
Provost’s Enhancement Funds Fellowship Award at UMN (Sept 2023 – May 2024)
ICGC Pre-Dissertation Grant (Jun 2023 – Aug 2023)
ICGC Professional Development Bursary (Jul 2022, Jul 2023)
UMN Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy & Development Travel Funds (Apr 2022, Apr 2023)
ICGC Scholar Fellowship Award (Sept 2021 – May 2022)
Provost’s Enhancement Funds Fellowship Award at UMN (Sept 2020 – May 2021)
CIES Under-Represented Ethnic & Ability Groups Travel Grant (Mar 2020)
United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training Conference Bursary (Sept 2019)
Journal Special Issue (Guest Editor)
Chatila, S. & Alatas, S. F. (2022). Southern contributions to the sociology of knowledge. Idafat: The Arab Journal of Sociology in Arabic: مساهمات جنوبية في علم إجتماع المعرفة.
Journal Articles
Bonet, S. W. & Chatila, S. (forthcoming, 2024). “They are our children”: An Examination of faith-based, tuition-free, private schools as potential sites of educational opportunity for refugee children living in the global south. Social Sciences.
Chatila, S. & Merz, E. M. (forthcoming, 2024). Fluid histories: Historical perspectives on (in)formal education, transnational solidarities, and bioethical landscapes of prosocial behavior at the American University of Beirut (1934 – 2023).
Abu El-Haj, T. & Chatila, S. (2023). “Miss, our clothes are clean:” Contesting liminality in Lebanese kindergarten classrooms. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 279, 19-40.
Chatila, S. (2023). Towards creative development: The case of international development in Lebanon. The Philippines Sociological Review, 70(2022), 153-171.
Chatila, S. (2022). Sustainable development or chronic underdevelopment? A case study of international development in Lebanon. Idafat: The Arab Journal of Sociology, 1(57-58), 103-122. [in Arabic | التنمية المستدامة أم التخلف المزمن؟].
Chatila, S. (2022). “Book Essay Review: Development as a Panacea for Uncertainty: Schooling, Migration, and Community Building.” Comparative Education Review, 66(2), 365-371.
Chatila, S. (2020). “Book Review: Peace Education: International Perspectives edited by Monisha Bajaj and Maria Hantzopoulos.” Journal on Education in Emergencies, 5(2): 179-181.
Kelcey, J., & Chatila, S. (2020). Increasing Inclusion or Furthering Fragmentation? How the Global Strategy to Include Refugees in National Education Systems Has Been Implemented in Lebanon. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 36(2), 9-19.
Abu El-Haj, T. R., Kaloustian, G., Bonet, S. W., & Chatila, S. (2018). Fifi the punishing cat and other civic lessons from a Lebanese public kindergarten school. Journal on Education in Emergencies, 4(1), 13-44.
Chatila, S., Menashy, F., & Shields, R. (2023). Scaling education technology innovations: A policy network analysis case study in Chad (Rep.). War Child.
Chatila, S., Menashy, F., & Shields, R. (2023). Scaling education technology innovations: A policy network analysis case study in Sudan (Rep.). War Child.
Chatila, S., Menashy, F., & Shields, R. (2023). Scaling education technology innovations: A policy network analysis case study in Uganda (Rep.). War Child.
Shuayb, M., Chatila, S., Kelcey, J., Maadad, N., Zafer, A., Crul, M., & Aboulhosn, A. (2020). Towards an inclusive education: a comparative longitudinal study of the education of refugee and national children in Lebanon, Turkey, and Australia – Australia Report 2020 (Rep.). CLS.
Shuayb, M., Chatila, S., Kelcey, J., Maadad, N., Zafer, A., Crul, M., Aboulhosn, A, & Hammoud, M. (2020). Towards an inclusive education: a comparative longitudinal study of the education of refugee and national children in Lebanon, Turkey, and Australia – Turkey Report 2020 (Rep.). CLS.
Shuayb, M., Chatila, S., Kelcey, J., Maadad, N., Zafer, A., Crul, M., & Aboulhosn, A. (2020). Towards an inclusive education: a comparative longitudinal study of the education of refugee and national children in Lebanon, Turkey, and Australia – Lebanon Report 2020 (Rep.). CLS.
Shuayb, M., Ahmad, N., & Chatila, S. (2019). Barriers to implementing Article 19: A study on the institutionalization of persons with disabilities in select Arab countries (Rep.). ESCWA & CLS.
Blog Posts
Kelcey, J., & Chatila, S. (2020). Syrian refugees and the politics of education governance in Lebanon [web log].
Chatila, S., & Kelcey, J. (2019). Increasing Integration or Furthering Fragmentation? The Inclusion of Syrian Refugees in the Lebanese Public Education System [web log].
Presenter at 66th Annual Conference of the CIES “COVID is the Least of Our Worries in Lebanon: The Impacts of Intertwined Local and Global Crises on Education” (Minnesota, USA). [Apr 2022]
Roundtable discussion organizer and co-presenter at 66th Annual Conference of CIES “Indigenous and endogenous relationships with place: Generative and restorative educational practices for global wellness” (Minnesota, USA) [Apr 2022]
Panelist at American Educational Research Association, the 2022 Annual Meeting: “Language and Liminality in the Schooling of Non-Dominant and Immigrant Youth” [Jan 2022]
Panelist at Truth and Responsibility, the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting: “Youth at the Margins: Anthropological Perspectives on Language and Liminality.” [Nov 2021]
Presenter at the Pakistani Student Association at UMN: “In the rare event of peace: A comparative proxy critique of the SDGs via the MDGs.” (Remote). [Apr 2021]
Keynote speaker at Climate of Emotions Retreat for Radical Reimagination of the Future organized by Six Seconds – The Emotional Intelligence Network: “(Re)centering Indigeneity in Ecology & Emotional Intelligence” (Remote). [Apr 2021]
Presenter at Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Student Conference (UMN) “In the Rare Event of Peace: A Comparative Proxy Critique of the SDGs via the MDGs” (Remote). [Mar 2021]
Presenter at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) virtual workshop on Education in conflict and exile: “Determinants of Refugee Children Educational Performance: A comparative study of refugees in Lebanon, Turkey, and Australia.” (Remote). [Oct 2020]
Presenter at the 64th Annual Conference of the CIES. “Promising partnership models for education in emergencies: case studies from the Lebanese education response to the Syria crisis” (Miami, USA). [Mar 2020]
Presenter at the First International Conference, Cross-Cultural Communication: Studies in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation held at the British University in Egypt. “Language as a tool for marginalization of disadvantaged students in Lebanon” (Cairo, Egypt). [Feb 2020]
Presenter at UKFIET held at the University of Oxford: “Increasing inclusion and furthering fragmentation: How national systems shape global policy outcomes.” (Oxford, UK). [Sept 2019]
Presenter at LAU, Department of Education: “Increasing inclusion and furthering fragmentation: How national systems shape global policy outcomes” (Beirut, Lebanon). [Sept 2019]
Presenter at ESCWA's Expert Group Meeting on Disability in the Arab World (Beirut, Lebanon) [Mar 2018]