Tiago Bittencourt, PhD
Pronouns: he, him, his
Comparative and International Development Education

Areas of interest
- Social reproduction theory
- Social class in education
- Internationalization of education
- Education policy
PhD, Comparative and International Development Education, University of Minnesota
MA, International Education Development, Teachers College, Columbia University
BA, International Relations, Wheaton College
Bittencourt, T. (In press) Social class and the construction of international mindedness: A comparative study of IB World Schools in Ecuador. Journal of Research in International Education.
Bittencourt, T. (2020). Inclusive policies and the perils of dissonance: A case study of an IB public school in Ecuador. Forum for International Research in Education, 6(1), 24-39.
Bittencourt, T., Johnstone, C., Adjei, M., & Seithers, L. (2019). "We see the world different now": Remapping assumptions about international student adaptation. Journal of Studies in International Education, 1-16. doi:10.1177/1028315319861366
Bittencourt, T., & Willetts, A. (2018). Negotiating the tensions: A critical approach to international schools’ mission statements. Globalisation, Societies & Education. 16(4), 515-525.
Johnstone, C., Soria, K., Bittencourt, T.. & Adjei, M. (2018). The global and the local: Programs that predict critical thinking and cultural appreciation in students. International Journal of Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement. 6(1), 1-13.
Bittencourt (2019). Social class and the rules of competitive college admissions: A comparative study of IB World Schools in Ecuador. Comparative and International Education Society: Education for sustainability, San Francisco, California.
Bittencourt (2019). “Vas subir al BI o bajar al BGU?”: Inclusive policies and the creation of new forms of inequity. Comparative and International Education Society: Education for sustainability, San Francisco, California.
Bittencourt (2018). Sumak Kawsay and the struggle for representational control: The International Baccalaureate in a ‘post-neoliberal’ Ecuador. Comparative and International Education Society: Re-mapping global education south-north dialogue, Mexico City, Mexico.
Bittencourt, Johnstone, Adjei & Seithers (2018). “Let’s speak in Portuguese because my head is killing me!”: Re-mapping assumptions about international student adaptation. Comparative and International Education Society: Re-mapping global education south-north dialogue, Mexico City, Mexico.
Johnstone, Soria, Bittencourt, & Adjei (2016). Intercultural, experiential, and examining “international” as a variable of student development outcomes. Association for the Study of Higher Education, Columbus, Ohio.
Bittencourt, Jha, & Shin (2012). Complementary approaches towards achieving the millennium development goals for education: Lessons from the Field. 56th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Aragón, Bittencourt, Johnson, & Kleyn (2011). Teaching immigration: A critical and contemporary approach for secondary educators. 9th Annual Education Across the Americas Conference, New York City, NY.