Tiffany Lachelle Smith, PhD
Comparative and International Development Education

Areas of interest
- Migration and mobility of Black American educators
- Diversity and inclusion in international education
- Emotional transnationalism
- Affective turnover and retention
PhD, Comparative and International Development Education, University of Minnesota, 2022
MS, Learning, Culture, and Society (Educational Leadership), Southern Illinois University, 2011
BS, Early Childhood Studies, Northern Illinois University, 2009
Dr. Tiffany Lachelle Smith is the Director of Scholarships and Student Programs at the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (UAE). She was a teacher for over a decade and taught in schools in the US, Morocco, and the UAE. She also taught various higher education courses in Curriculum and Instruction (CI 3212, 5283, 3283, and 3211) and Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD 5005 and OLPD 5000). Dr. Smith hosts and produces (A)Broad in Education, a podcast on a mission to (de)colonize imaginations through conscious conversations with EDPats, a term she coined to describe expatriates working in education outside of their home countries.
- UMN Three-Minute Thesis, 2nd Place and People's Choice Winner, 2022
- Leadership in Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (LEID) Fellowship, 2020
- Sheik Suad Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation (UAE) Doctoral Fellowship, 2019
- Burkhardt Endowed Fellowship, 2019
- Distinguished Chair's Fellowship, 2018
- University of Minnesota Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program Grant, 2018
Smith, T. L. (2021) Jumpin’ in, stayin’ in, and double-dutchin’ it: Teacher attrition from an African American international educator. In: Murti L., Flores G.M. (eds) Gender, Race, and Class in the Lives of Today’s Teachers. Springer, Cham.
Johnstone, C., Smith, T. L.., & Malmgren, J. (2020). Academics as Arbiters: Promoting Equity and Cultural Responsibility in Group-based Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(2), 120-144.
Smith, T. L.., Thomas Kpetay, S., Banwo, B., Higgins, B. (2018). The Commonalities that make Us Different: African American Identity in Cameroon and Ghana. The Global Impact Exchange: A Quarterly Publication of Diversity Abroad. Spring Edition, 26-28.
Smith, T. L. (April 2020). Academics as Arbiters: Promoting Equity and Cultural Responsibility in Group-based Study Abroad. (Virtual Presentation). Forum on Education Abroad. Virtual Conference.
Smith, T. L. (2019). (Un)packing for my Return Home: An autoethnographic investigation of mobility from an African American International Teacher. (Presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Conference. San Francisco, California, 2019
Smith, T. L. (2019). (Un)packing for my Return Home: An autoethnographic investigation of mobility from an African American International Teacher. (Presentation). OLPD Student Research Conference. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, February 2019
Smith, T. L., Thomas-Kpetay, S., Banwo, B., Higgins, B. (2018). The Commonalities that make Us Different: African American Identity in Cameroon and Ghana (Roundtable). Comparative and International Education Society Conference. Mexico City, Mexico, 2018