Eskender A. Yousuf, PhD
Education Policy and Leadership

Areas of interest
- African immigrant identity development
- Race
- Urban mentorship
- Culturally responsive practices
- Program evaluation
I am a doctoral candidate studying how social issues impact k-12 education and ways that educators and educational leaders can best respond. My learning interests focus on how colonialism, race and racism, and systemic inequalities impact minoritized populations to better determine equitable solutions for our future. My dissertation research explores the racial and ethnic identity construction of East African immigrant youth (Oromo youth specifically) in relation to their schooling experiences. Broadly, the findings of my study will provide ways for educators and educational leaders to honor, acknowledge, and humanize their identities within schooling spaces.
Abdi, N. M., & Yousuf, E. A. (2022). Between suffering and liberation: Complexities of blackness among East African immigrants in Minnesota in the George Floyd moment. Educational Studies, 1–18.
Demerath, P., Kemper, S., Yousuf, E. A., & Banwo, B. (2022). A grounded model of how educators earn students’ trust in a high performing U.S. urban high school. The Urban Review.
Carter, C. Jr., Yousuf, E. A., Banwo, B. O., & Khalifa, M. (2022). Leadership with a purpose: Responding to crises through culturally responsive district leadership. Journal of Family Diversity in Education, 4>(2), 115–129.
Yousuf, E. A. (2021). [Review of the book Black immigrants in North America by A. Ibrahim]. Teachers College Record.
Yousuf, E. A. (in progress). Who is in fear? The eradication of Black male vulnerability. Special Issue for Police Killing of Black men and the quest for justice of Black boys in school.
Yousuf, E. A. & Carter, C. (in progress). Leadership sense-making of racial protests: Anti-Blackness and implications on leadership practices.
Yousuf, E. (2020, July 28). A call to address anti-Blackness within African immigrant communities. MinnPost.
Poch, R. K., Yousuf, E. (2017). Teaching undergraduate history: A problem-based Approach. In Poch. R. K. & Alexander, I. D. (Eds.), Innovative Learning and Teaching: Experiments Across the Disciplines. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 58-70.
Yousuf, E.A. & Carter, V. Holding educational leaders accountable: Anti-Blackness, sense-making, and its implications for Black students [Paper]. University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference, November 2021. Columbus, OH.
Carter, V., Yousuf, E.A. & Banwo, B. Leadership with a purpose: Responding to crises through culturally responsive leadership [Paper]. University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference, November 2021. Columbus, OH.
Yousuf, E.A. Who is in fear? The eradication of Black male vulnerability. In “I can’t breathe”: Police killings of black men and the quest for justice of black boys in school. [Symposium]. American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, April 2021.
Carter, V. & Yousuf, E.A. Accountability and reform: Education leaders’ sense-making and its impact on black boys [Paper]. American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. April 2021.
Yousuf, E.A. The racialization of fear: “fear of life” justification for the killing of Black bodies. In Police killings of unarmed black males: White comfort, compliance, and what educators can learn. [Symposium]. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Conference, November 2019. New Orleans, LA.