Leah N. Fulton, PhD
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Higher Education

Areas of interest
- Race & motherhood
- Leadership in higher education
- Black women in 20th-century higher education
- Intersectionality
MA, Intercultural Studies, Wheaton College, IL, 2010
BA, Religious Studies, Ball State University, 2008
I have nearly fifteen years of experience in higher education, primarily in various Student Affairs roles. My work has focused largely on organizational change through centering institutional congruence. Through student affairs, research, consulting, and teaching, largely in Protestant Christian learning communities, I work to increase organizational capacity to engage race, culture, equity, and justice to create more just policies and practices.
My dissertation research centers Black doctoral student mothers and their career choice strategies. My publications explore the intersections of race, motherhood, leadership, and higher education. I currently work as Vice President for Student Success at Trinity Christian College- Palos Heights, IL. I live in Chicago with my partner and our three children.
Kaler, L.S., Fulton, L.N., Vang, Z., & Stebleton, M.J. (2020). “You should be home snuggling your baby”: Scholar-mothers navigating maternal microaggressions in the academy. In H. Oliha-Donaldson (Ed.), Confronting critical equity and inclusion incidents on campus: Lessons learned and emerging practices. New York, NY: Routledge. Manuscript submitted for review.
Fulton, L.N. (2019). Book review [So you want to talk about race by I. Oluo]. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 31(4), pp. 59-61.
Fulton, L.N. (2017). A New Rite of Passage: Agency, Integration, & the StrongBlackWoman. ongman, K.A., Hernandez, K.A. Diversity matters: race, ethnicity & the future of christian higher education. (295-305). Abilene, Texas: Abilene Christian Press.
Austin, N.P., Deegan, M., Fulton, L.N., Karrick, K (2013). Undocumented Students in Christian Higher Education: Theological and Legal Ramifications for Financing Student Leaders.
Combating Maternal Microaggressions: Exploring Scholar-Mothers’ Experiences. March 2020 American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Strategic Mothers, Strategic Hires: Black Mothers in the Professoriate October 2019 Association of Black Women in Higher Education national conference. Saint Paul, MN.
Black Mothers, Post-Secondary Degree Attainment, & the Achievement. March 2019 Association of Blacks in Higher Education National Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
“Would You Say that if We Were White?”: The Experiences of Instructors of Color in Leadership Studies. March 2019 Association of Blacks in Higher Education national conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.