Marigold Setsuko Holmes
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Comparative and International Development Education

Areas of interest
- Internationalization of higher education
- Public-private partnerships in higher education
- Educational exchange in public diplomacy
- Third culture kids
MS, College Student Service Administration, Oregon State University, 2014
BA, English Literature, University of Washington, 1994
As a practioner-scholar, my 25-year career in international education has focused on internationalization strategy at the institutional, national, and international levels. My interest in international education stems from my identity and upbringing as a bicultural / bilingual (Japanese-U.S.), third-culture kid (TCK) that has spent a significant amount of time living and working in dynamic and multicultural communities abroad.
I have leveraged my experience in public diplomacy, international exchange program administration, sponsored student programs administration, international enrollment management, student leadership development, graduate student success, and academic advising to serve a broad range of stakeholders. I currently serve as the Assistant Director of Sponsored Student Programs in the Office of International Services at Oregon State University (OSU). I am also active in the academic community at OSU, serving as a graduate faculty member in the College Student Service Administration (CSSA) Program in the College of Liberal Arts, teaching a course on Globalization of Higher Education, serving as an advisor for Ed.M. students in the program, and mentoring other students interested in international education. I also serve on the Graduate Admissions Committee of Faculty Senate at OSU, offering my perspectives on international applicants.
Previously, I have held positions in various higher education settings including the Japan-U.S. Educational Commission (Fulbright Japan), EducationUSA Japan, and the University of Washington. I have given presentations on a number of international education topics at local and national professional conferences, have been invited as a guest lecturer at universities throughout Japan, as well as served as a trainer for various professional development programs organized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. My research interest in the internationalization of higher education builds on such experiences and looks to the complex intersection of higher education, public policy, and the stakeholders involved in the endeavor. For example, I am currently working on a research project that explores the intersection of institutional internationalization and public-private partnerships. Through such work, I hope to continue making contributions to the field of international education.
Holmes, M. S. & Johnstone, C. J. (2020). Paddling in muddy waters: The role of P3s for international student enrollment and English language program management. Case Studies for International Education, 1(2), 10-12
Holmes, M.S. (2019). Engaging Third-Party Providers in International Student Enrollment Management. NAFSA Association of International Educators.….
Holmes, M.S. (2014). International students in a pathway program: Perceived experiences in transitioning to U.S. higher education (Master’s thesis). Oregon State University.
Holmes, M.S. (Ed.). (2007 to 2012). Official guide to studying in the U.S.A. Tokyo, Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission/ALC Press.
Holmes, M.S. (Ed.). (1997 to 2012). The Fulbrighter: Annual newsletter. Tokyo, Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission.
Holmes, M.S. (Ed.). (1997 to 2012). Fulbright Japan brochure. Tokyo, Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission.
Holmes, M.S. (Ed.). (1997 to 2012). Fulbright Japan annual report. Tokyo, Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission.
Holmes, M.S. (Ed.) (2002). Fulbright Japan 50th anniversary program: A historical compilation of the Japan-U.S. Fulbright program. Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission.
Holmes, M.S. (Project Coordinator) (2002). 50 years of the Japan-U.S. Fulbright Program (2-part documentary video). Tokyo, Japan: Japan-U.S. Educational Commission: Tokyo, Japan.
Shuey, W., Holmes, M.S., Whitmer, D., Kennedy, K. (2018, May) Model practices for enhancing and sustaining sponsored student programs. Presentation at the NAFSA: National Association of International Educators Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Holmes, M.S. & Xie, W. (2018, May). Broadening your global reach through online education: A case study. Poster presentation at the NAFSA: National Association of International Educators Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Holmes, M.S. & Kennedy, K. (2016, August). Developing a sponsored student program. Presentation at the Oregon International Advising Summit, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Holmes, M.S., Kennedy, K., Christopherson, E.H., & Townley, J. (2016, May). Sponsored student advising: Navigating the intersection of contradictory policies. Presentation at the NAFSA: National Association of International Educators Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Lane, S., Holmes, M.S., & Kennedy, K. (2015, July). Coordinating sponsored student advising: The intersection of sometimes contradictory policies. Presentation at the Oregon International Advising Summit, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Holmes, M.S., Christopherson, E.H., Lawton, E.G. & Edmond, R. (2015, May). Educating international students about academic misconduct: A holistic approach. Presentation at the NAFSA: National Association of International Educators Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Holmes, M.S., Sullivan, K., (2015, April). Degree Partnership Program and International Students. Oregon Degree Partnership Summit, Albany, OR.
Holmes, M.S. (2014, May). Practioner-based graduate program: A holistic approach to international education. Poster presentation at the NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Holmes, M.S. (2014, May). International students in pathway program: Perception of their transition. Presentation at the Scholars Insight Three Minute Thesis Competition, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Holmes, M.S., Jones, W., Pynn, H., Pamp, D., Jacquier, J, Lee, J, & Buzo, C. (2014, May). Women & masculinity. Panel discussion at the Healthy Masculinities Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Wilson, S.G., & Holmes, M.S., (2014, February). Here’s looking at you: Understanding leadership through your identities. Presentation at the Art of Leadership Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Holmes, M.S. (2014, January). From invisible to visible: Creating a welcoming campus for Third Culture Kids. Poster presentation at the Oregon Women in Higher Education Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Holmes, M.S., John, D., Fu, C., & Yu, M. (2013, April). Your overseas partners for international student recruitment. Presentation at the NAGAP: The Association for Graduate Enrollment Management Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Holmes, M.S., Lutes, E., John, D., & Fu, C. (2012, April). Fulbright: Your best resources for Marketing U.S. higher education. Presentation at the EducationUSA East Asia Pacific Triennial Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Holmes, M.S. (2012, April). Careers in the non-profit higher education sector. Re-entry Orientation for Bridging Japan Scholars, Tokyo, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2011, May). Fulbright program. Poster session at the NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Holmes, M.S. (2010, November). U.S. higher education opportunities for Japanese students. Presentation at JALT: Japan Association of Language Teaching Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan.
Mestenhauser, J.A., Holmes, M. (2009, November). Internationalizing universities, shifting to global minds. Simultaneous interpretation for Mestenhauser Lecture Series, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2009, January). Why study abroad. Presentation for the School of Global Japan Studies, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2008, July). Effective use of English emails as a communication tool. Presentation at the JAFSA: Japan Network for International Education Summer Forum, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
Holmes, M.S., & Satterwhite, D.H. (2008, June). Perspectives on Japanese education and society: Reflections by long-term foreign residents of Japan. Lecture at Lakeland College Japan Campus, Tokyo, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2007, October). Intercultural communication, effective use of email and negotiation techniques in English. Training in Japanese for Japanese Government University Staff sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2007, August). Effective use of English emails as a communication tool. Presentation at the JAFSA: Japan Network for International Education Northern Japan Workshop, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan.
Holmes, M.S., & Ichikawa, A. (2007, April). Levering Technology in Study Abroad Advising. Presentation at the EducationUSA Technology Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan.
Holmes, M.S. (2007, January). Effective use of English emails as a communication tool. Presentation at the JAFSA: Japan Network for International Education Nagoya Workshop, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
Holmes, M.S. (2006, November). Intercultural communication, effective use of email, and negotiation techniques in English. Training in Japanese for Japanese Government University Staff sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.