Megan C. Deutschman, PhD
Pronouns: she, her. hers
Comparative and International Development Education

Areas of interest
- Critical whiteness studies
- Educational equity
- Intersectionality
- Teacher education
- PhD, Comparative and International Development Education, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2022
- MS, Education, University of Wisconsin—River Falls
- BA, English, College of Saint Benedict
I am interested in understanding how white educators construct and consider their racial identities. In particular, I utilize Critical Whiteness Studies as a framework to analyze the nuanced and intersectional factors that contribute to white identity development. This work is useful in understanding how white educators uphold, and potentially confront, racism and white supremacy in their classrooms.
I have taught a number of courses at the University of Minnesota, and I have also worked as a preservice teacher supervisor in the department of Curriculum & Instruction. Prior to starting the PhD program, I worked as a K-8 classroom teacher.
- Leadership in Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Fellowship (2021-2022)
- Hauge Graduate Fellowship (2019-2020)
Deutschman, M.C., Cornwell, C.L & Sundstrom, S.M (in review). Fostering anti-oppressive pedagogies in student teachers: The role of the university supervisor. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Deutschman, M.C. (in press). White racial awareness: Complexities & contexts of White educator identities. AERA Open.
Hyson, A.R., Bonham, B., Hood, S., Deutschman, M.C., Seithers, L.C., Hull, K., & Jensen, M. (2021). Professional development, shifting perspectives, and instructional change among community college anatomy and physiology instructors. CBE Life Sciences.
Deutschman, M.C., Hyson, A.R., Seithers, L.C. and Jensen, M. (2021). Teaching interrupted: How COVID-19 turned thoughts into practice. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, (22)1.
Goh, M. & Deutschman, M.C. (2020). Global Citizenship Education in East, South, and Southeast Asia. In D. Shugurensky & C. Wolhuter (Eds.) Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education: Theoretical and Practical Issues. Routledge Book Series on Global Citizenship Education.
Deutschman, M.C., Cornwell, C. and Sundstrom, S. (accepted, April 2022). Preservice Teachers, University Supervisors, and Complex Identities: Navigating Anti-Oppressive Pedagogies in Teacher Education. American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, California.
Deutschman, M.C. (2021, June). Recontextualizing whiteness in education: The role of racial awareness. National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, Virtual.
Deutschman, M.C. Cornwell, C. and Sundstrom, S. (2021, May) Fostering anti-oppressive pedagogies in student teachers: The role of the university supervisor. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Virtual.
Deutschman, M.C. (2020, March). Whiteness and the teaching force. Comparative and International Education Society, Miami, Florida. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Deutschman, M.C. (2018, March). Re-mapping global citizenship education in East, South, and Southeast Asia. Comparative and International Education Society, Mexico City, Mexico.