Jennifer York-Barr
Professor Emerita
Organizational Leadership, Policy And Development
206 Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0226 - 612-625-6387
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Areas of interest
Teacher leadership
Professional development
Instructionally focused collaboration among teachers
York-Barr, J., Sommerness, J., & Hur, J. (2008). Teacher leadership. In T. Good (Ed.), 21st century education: A reference handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 12-20). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
York-Barr, J., Ghere, G. S., & Sommerness, J. (2007). Collaborative teaching to increase ELL student learning. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 12(3), 1-34.
York-Barr, J., Sommers, W. A., Ghere, G. S., & Montie, J.K. (2006). Reflective practice to improve schools: An action guide for educators (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
York-Barr, J., Sommerness, J., Ghere, G., & Duke, K. (2005). Special educators in inclusive education programmes: Reframing their work as teacher leadership. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 9(2), 193-215.
York-Barr, J., Sommerness, J., & Ghere, G. (2005). Teachers as leaders of inclusive schooling: What, why and how. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont, National Institute on Leadership for Disability and Students Placed at Risk. [peer-reviewed]
York-Barr, J., & Duke, K. (2004). What do we know about teacher leadership? Findings from two decades of scholarship. Review of Educational Research, 74(3), 255-316.
York-Barr, J., Bacharach, N., Salk, J., & Heinz, J. (2004). Team teaching in teacher education: General and special education faculty team experiences and perspectives. Issues in Teacher Education, 13(1), 73-94.
York-Barr, J., & Kronberg, R. (2001). From isolation to collaboration: Learning from effective partnerships between general and special educators. In W. Sailor (Ed.), Inclusive education and school/community/family partnerships. New York: Teachers College Press.
Rainforth, B., & York-Barr, J. (1997). Collaborative teams for students with severe disabilities: Integrating therapy and education. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
York-Barr, J., Kronberg, R., & Doyle, M. E. (1996). Creating inclusive school communities: A staff development series for general and special educators. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.