Jonathan Stuart
Senior Lecturer
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development .
Room 324 Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-625-8697

Areas of interest
Conflict Management in the Workplace
International Human Resource Development
Employee Well-being
Vocational & Adult Education
Cultural Competence Training for Leaders
PhD, Organizational Leadership, Policy, & Development, University of Minnesota
MA, Adult & Workplace Education, University of Minnesota
Graduate Certification, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Hamline University
BA, Organizational Management & Communication, Concordia University - Saint Paul
Coming from the fields of adult education and human resource development, my work experience of over twenty-five years intersects between training at companies and teaching in higher education. As a consultant I have partnered with over 100 organizations of all types and sizes assessing human capital needs and developing
customized solutions. This has brought me in contact with various workplace cultures and a wide variety of business needs that I draw upon in my classes and work with students. I believe education works best when there are practical applications between content and lived experience, so my primary aim is to help make to make connections to professional and career opportunities for students. My international work includes teaching at the National University of Education in South Korea, helping to transport a manufacturing skills program to South Africa, and as a Fulbright Scholar at Universidad de San Carlos in Guatemala.
Courses taught
- OLPD 3202 Introduction to Strategies for Teaching Adults
- OLPD 3401 Teaching Marketing Promotion
- OLPD 3621 Introduction to Training & Development
- OLPD 3609 Profession and Practice of BME & HRD
- OLPD 4421 Nonprofit Leadership Practicum
- UMN Robert Beck Graduate Fellowship
- MN State Board of Trustees Teacher of the Year
- Fulbright Fellowship (Global TEFL)
Stuart, J.D. (2017). Cultural Competency. In Pollak, Benney, Hjkermstad, and WIlcox (Eds.), Community Health Paramedicine. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stuart, J.D. (2014). Investigating policy transfer from both sides: Case study of a TVET model ported between the U.S. and South Africa. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert.
Stuart, J.D. (2024) Facilitating Synthetic Cultural Experiences. MN State AFSCME & MAPE Frontline Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Stuart, J.D. (2024) Spring Term All Staff & Faculty Keynote: Where do I fit? Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park, MN.
Stuart, J.D. (2021) Creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce through employment-based training. Department of Labor Dual Training Pipeline. St. Paul, MN.
Stuart, J.D. (2021) Culturally Responsive Teaching. Pine Technical & Community College Faculty Symposium. Pine City, MN.
Stuart, J.D. (2019) Developing Effective On the Job Training. State of MN Department of Labor and Industry Pipeline Speaker’s Series.
Stuart, J.D. (2019) Leading Equity and Inclusion with a Multicultural Lens. Co-presentation with Dr. Ramon Pastrano. St Paul Chamber of Commerce Equity Summit.
Stuart, J.D. (2017) The Importance of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) in Today’s Global Business Environment. Inha National University Business School – Inchon, South Korea.
Stuart, J.D. (2017) Mindful Managers – Becoming Aware of Unconscious Bias. Twin Cities Young Professionals Summit, Minneapolis, MN.
Stuart, J.D. (2016) Transformative Education. Department of Education's Teaching & Training, University of San Carlos—Guatemala