Nancy Pellowski Wiger
Senior Researcher

Areas of interest
- Gender equality and social inclusion
- Inequalities in education
- Youth livelihoods
- International development policy and practice
- Longitudinal mixed methods research and evaluation
Growing up I saw the power and potential of education, while witnessing the ways in which gender, socio-economic status, and other factors advantaged some and disadvantaged others. I became fascinated with the intersection of education and sociology while studying at Grinnell College. Working as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic further cemented my interests in gender and international development. I have studied and worked as a researcher at the University of Minnesota on a variety of longitudinal, mixed-methods research projects, including a partnership with CARE focused on marginalized girls’ education in eight countries (2008-2011), a partnership with The MasterCard Foundation on youth livelihoods in East Africa (2011-2017), and a partnership with Australian Aid to conduct the Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Longitudinal Study in Vietnam (2019-2022). I have also had the privilege of working as a consultant on a variety of research and evaluation projects related to gender and international education with UNICEF, World Vision, the World Bank, USAID, and UNGEI. I am currently working as a Senior Researcher at the University of Minnesota in a team as a Global Learning Partner with the Global Partnership for Education and Oxfam Denmark to support Education Out Loud. I value multiple approaches and methods, and I love working in meaningful partnership with colleagues.
Pellowski Wiger, N., Khan, K., Nikoi, A., Arur, A., Chachage, K., Miske, S., Hingorani, R., Odenyi, D., Samad, N., & Shukla, N. (under review). “I used to wonder why girls do not study”: Using narrative techniques in mixed-methods gender and education research and evaluation to capture tensions in Pakistani youths’ lives. International Journal of
Research & Method in Education.
DeJaeghere, J., Le, H., Luong, P., Ngo, N.T.H., Vu, T.T., Pellowski Wiger, N., & Lee, J. (2024). Relational empowerment of ethnic minority women in Vietnam: How do household and community relations matter? Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 426-453.
DeJaeghere, J., Pellowski Wiger, N., Le, H., Luong, P., Ngo, N., Vu, T., & Lee, J. (2022). Why do aspirations matter for empowerment?: Discrepancies between the A-WEAI domains and aspirations of ethnic minority women in Vietnam. World Development. 159.
Pellowski Wiger, N. (2020). The role of peers as community in youth education and employment in East Africa. In M. Nishimura (Ed.), Community participation with schools in developing countries: Towards equitable and inclusive basic education for all (pp. 149 – 161). Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity Series. New York &
Oxon: Routledge.
Pellowski Wiger, N. (2016). Social capital, agency, and creating micro-enterprises: A case of entrepreneurship education for Tanzanian youth. In J. DeJaeghere, J. Josic, & K. McCleary (Eds.), Education and youth agency: Qualitative case studies in global contexts (pp. 217-232). Switzerland: Springer International Publications.
DeJaeghere, J., Pellowski Wiger, N., & Willemsen, L. (2016). Broadening educational outcomes: Social relations, skills development, and employability for youth. Comparative Education Review, 60(3), 457-479.
Pellowski Wiger, N., Chapman, D., Baxter, A., & DeJaeghere, J. (2015). Context matters: A model of the factors associated with the effectiveness of youth entrepreneurship training. Prospects, 45(4), 533-547.
DeJaeghere, J., & Pellowski Wiger, N. (2013). Gender discourses in an NGO education project: Openings for transformation toward gender equality in Bangladesh. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(6), 557-565.