Nicola Alexander
Professor; Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Diversity, and International Initiatives
104A Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0226 - 612-626-3256

Areas of interest
Economics of education
School finance
Ph.D., SUNY Albany, public administration with concentration in public finance
MA, SUNY Albany, public policy; certificate in Latin American and Caribbean studies
B.A. SUNY New Paltz, international relations with a concentration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Policy does not always work in the way we expect or want. My research examines the implications of policy for society as a whole, entire student populations, and specified student groups. I am especially interested in understanding the impact of policy on student groups who have not been well served by the present system. Using a political-economic framework, I pursue this interest by exploring the distribution of resources and the implications of this distribution for students. My research aims to inform our collective action to strive for a more equitable education system.
Courses taught
OLPD 5044—Introduction to the Economics of Education
OLPD 5346—Politics of Education
OLPD 5324—Strategic Financial Planning and Policy for Educational Leaders
OLPD 8302—Educational Policy Perspectives (policy analysis)
National Education Finance Academy Distinguished Research and Practice Fellow (2013)
National Education Finance Conference, Educational Considerations Scholarly Paper Award, (2013 for 2012 paper)
College of Education and Human Development Robert Beck Teaching Award (2012)
Professional affiliations
National Education Finance Academy, President
Journal of Review of Research in Leadership Education, Editorial Board Member
Alexander, N. A., & Jang, S. T. (2019). ‘Synonymization’ threat and the implications for the funding of school districts with relatively high populations of black students. Race Ethnicity and Education, 22(2), 151-173.
Alexander, N. A., & Jang, S. T. (2019). Expenditures on the professional development of teachers: The case of Minnesota. Journal of Education Finance, 44(4), 385-404.
Alexander, N. A., Holquist, S., & Kim, H. (2018). Locating equity: Implications of a location equity index for Minnesota school finance. Journal of Education Finance, 44(2), 140-163.
Alexander, N. A., & Kim, H. (2017). Adequacy by Any Other Name: A Comparative Look at Educational Spending in the United States and the Republic of Korea. Journal of Education Finance, 43(1), 65-83.
Alexander, N. A., Jang, S. T., & Kankane, S. (2017). The performance cycle: The effectiveness of state policies tying teacher performance, student achievement, and accountability to student achievement. American Journal of Education.
Alexander, N. A., & Jang, S. T. (2017). Equity and efficiency of Minnesota educational expenditures with a focus on English learners, 2003-2011: A retrospective look in a time of accountability. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(16).
Alexander, N. A. (2012). When individual states require local school districts to provide gifted education, should the state pay all the costs? In W. E. Thro, C. J. Russo, & A. G. Osborne (Eds.), School finance (pp. 113-118). SAGE Publications Inc.
Alexander, N. A. (2012). The growth of education revenues from 1998-2006: What accounts for differences among states. Educational Considerations [Special Issue].
Alexander, N. A. (2012). Policy analysis for educational leaders: A step by step approach. New York, NY: Prentice Hall.
Alexander, N. (2008) A healthy balance: Fiscal condition and district competitiveness in the Twin Cities metropolitan districts of Minnesota [PDF]. Journal of School Business Management, 20(2), 34–43.
Alexander, N. A. (2003). Considering equity and adequacy: An examination of the distribution of student class time as an educational resource in New York State, 1975-1995. Journal of Education Finance, 28(3), 357-381.
Alexander, N. A. (2002). Race, poverty, and the student curriculum: Implications for standards policy. American Educational Research Journal, 39(3), 675-694.
Alexander, N. A. (2000). The missing link: An econometric analysis on the impact of curriculum standards on student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 19, 351-361.
Alexander, N. A. (1997). The growth of education revenues from 1982-83 to 1991-92: What accounts for differences among states? Journal of Education Finance 22(4).
Alexander, N. A. (1996). Race, poverty, and the student curriculum, 1975-1995: Implications for public policy. In W. J. Fowler, Jr. (Ed.), Developments in school finance. National Center for Education Statistics: Washington, DC.
Alexander, N. A. (1995). The growth of education revenues from 1982-83 to 1991-92: What accounts for differences among states? In W. J. Fowler, Jr. (Ed.), Selected papers in school finance. National Center for Education Statistics: Washington, DC.
Alexander, N. A. (2011). Federal role in equity in funding. Presentation for discussion panel on the role of federal government in public education sponsored by the Minnesota League of Women Voters. St. Louis Park, MN.