College of Education and Human Development

Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development

OLPD Mourns Professor David R. Johnson, PhD

Faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD) are mourning the loss of their colleague and mentor David R. Johnson. Dr. Johnson was a Professor and faculty leader in OLPD since 2009, when it was created by merging academic programs with the former Department of Educational Policy and Administration (EdPA), of which Dr. Johnson had been a member. Dr. Johnson's role and impact within OLPD cannot be overstated and is challenging to quantify, but he served in an advising capacity (advisor, chair, reviewer, or committee member) to more than 350 graduate students who successfully completed their degrees. He was instrumental to OLPD's growth and development, as his former students and advisees across the globe would readily attest, and will be greatly missed.