James R. Stone III
Professor Emeriti
Areas of interest
- The design and delivery of education that connects youth and adults to the workplace.
- Aligning future regional labor market opportunities with current program offerings to improve practice and policy at the local and state level.
- Impact of technology on labor marker requirements.
- Work based learning.
- Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
- Integrating academic skills in the design and delivery of technical content.
- Marketing non-profit organizations
- Ed.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- M.Ed. George Mason University
- B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
I began my career in higher education after early experiences in sales and retail management. This was followed by five years of teaching secondary marketing education in Virginia. My first position as an Assistant Professor was with the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Continuing and Vocational Education in 1993. In 1986 I took a position with the University of Minnesota in the department then known as Vocational and Technical Education and continued until my retirement in 2007.
Within a few years, the Department under the Leadership of Professor George Copa joined with other universities in a UC-Berkley led proposal to the U.S. Department of Education to host the National Center for Research in Vocational Education (later renamed to National Research Center for Career and Technical Education). This successful initiative led to working with colleagues at UC-Berkeley, Teacher’s College-Columbia University, the University of Illinois, Virginia Tech and Ohio State University as well as UMN colleagues in studies conducted across the United States. In 1999, the UMN led by Professor Charles Hopkins assembled a new consortia of universities and related non-profit organizations in a successful bid for the reauthorized National Research Center for Career and Technical Education. In 2002, upon Professor Hopkins’ retirement I became the Director. I continued in this role until my retirement in 2007. During this period, the Center completed more than $18 million in funded research from federal, state and other sources. In addition to conducting rigorous research studies, we emphasized moving the Center’s research to practice, improving the design and delivery of CTE programs.
Following my retirement from the UMN, I accepted a position at the University of Louisville where we continued the work of the federally funded NRCCTE. Here we completed another $20 million in funded research as well an additional $5 million in state and local funded professional development continuing the focus of moving research to practice.
Within the profession, I served on numerous national and state advisory and review panels. I served as an Associate Editor and Editor for the Journal of Vocational Education Training, Guest Editor for a special issue of the Peabody Journal of Education well as peer reviewer for the American Education Research Journal, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Career and Technical Education Research Journal of At-Risk Youth, Journal of engineering Education among others. My research and service to the profession was recognized with several awards. As a result of my research, I’ve had many invitations to consult with or present to organizations and government education agencies in the United States, Europe and Asia.
I am most proud of my work with graduate students over the years. I’ve advised 27 doctoral dissertations, two of whom are now award-winning faculty in the Carlson School of Management and others who are faculty in other universities.
Books and Chapters
Bednarczyk, H. & Stone, J.R. III (2014). (eds). Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development in the United States of America. (Badanie rozwoju zawodowego, edukacji technicznej i kariery w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki). Random, Poland: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB
Stone, J.R. III & Lewis, M. (2012). College and Career Ready for the 21st Century: Making High School Matter. New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Carnavale A., Smith, N., Stone, J.R. III, Kotamraju, P., Steuernagel, B. & Green, K. (2011). Career Clusters: Forecasting Demand for High School Through College Jobs 2080-2018. Washington D.C.: Center on Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University.
Stern, D, Finkelstein, N., Stone, J. R., III, Latting, J., & Dornsife, C. (1995). School-to-work: Research on programs in the United States. London, England: Falmer Press.
Stern, D., Stone, J., III, Hopkins, C., McMillion, M., & Crain, R. (1994) School-based enterprise: Productive learning in American high schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Meyer, W. G., Harris, E. E., Kohns, D. P., & Stone, J. R., III. (1992). Marketing. Ventas al por menor: Para empleados, gerentes y empresarios. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: McGraw-Hill. [Spanish translation of Retail Marketing (1988).
Meyer, W. G., Harris, E., Kohns, D., & Stone, J. R. (1988) Retail marketing (8th ed.). Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe,
Chapters and Other Contributions to Books (selected)
Stone, J.R. III (2015). Pathways to productive adulthood through technical education: A career development approach. Young Adults. Coimbra, Portugal: Livraria Nova Almedina.
Stone, J.R. III (2014). A conceptual framework for the American labor market: Engagement, Achievement and Transition in Archer, L., Mann, A. & Stanley, J. (Eds). Understanding Employer Engagement in Education: Theories and Evidence. London: Routledge Press.
Stone, J.R. III (2012). The Non-System of VET in the United States. In A. Barabasch F. Rauner (Eds.), Reflections on TVET in the United States from a German and US perspective. Deutsche und US Amerikanische Einsichten zur Berufsbildung in den US. (pp. 231-250). New York: Springer Press
Stone, James (2011). Adolescent Employment. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Stone, J.R. III. (2009) Keeping Kids on Track to a Successful Adulthood: The Role of VET in improving High School Outcomes in A. Furlong (ed.) The International Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood: New Perspectives and Agendas. (pp135-143). London, England: Routledge.
Schmidt, M., Castellano, M. Tapales, A., Stringfield, S. & Stone, J.R. III (2008). Exit exams and organizational change in a vocational high school. In Fuller, B. Henne, M.K. & Hannum, E. (Eds). Research in the Sociology of Education, 16 (209-234)
Stone, J. R., III, & Aliaga, O. A. (2007). Career and technical education and school-to-work at the end of the 20th century: Participation and outcomes. In D. Neumark (Ed.), School to Work in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Stone, J. R., III. (2004). Career and technical education: Increasing school engagement. In J. Smink & F. P. Schargel (Eds.), Helping students graduate: A strategic approach to dropout prevention. 15 research-based strategies from the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (pp. 235-247). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Stone, J. R., III, & Castellano, M. (2002). New roles for career and technical preparation programs in educating at-risk students. In S. Stringfield & D. Land (Eds.), Educating at-risk students. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.
Articles, Research Reports and Invited Papers (Selected)
Stone, J.R. III (2024). Signature Features of High-Quality Career and Technical Education. American Educator. Washington, D.C: American Federation of Teachers.
Stone, J.R. III. (December 2023) What is authentic work-based learning? Techniques. Virginia: ACTE
Stone, J.R. III, Winkler, D.W. Shannon, L., Schmidt-Davis, J. (2021). SREB Career and Technical Education Leadership Academy (USDOE Grant Award R305A210233)
Stone, J.R. III, Winkler, D., LaMothe, D. (August 2017). Moving from very good to great: Efforts to create robust state career pathways. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Education.
Stringfield, S. & Stone, J.R. III. (Spring 2017) The labor market imperative for CTE:
Changes and challenges for the 21st century. In J.R. Stone III (Ed.), Peabody Journal of Education.
Stone, J.R. III (Spring 2017). Introduction. In J.R. Stone III (Ed.), Peabody Journal of Education.
Castellano, M.E., Richardson, G.B., Sundell, K. Stone, J.R. III. (2017). Preparing students for college and career in the United Sates: The effects of career-themed programs of study on high school performance. Vocations and Learning. New York: Springer.
*Stone, J.R. III (2016). Career and technical education in the second decade of the 21st century. The Journal of School and Society. 3(1) 40-53
Stone, J.R. III (October 2016) Building Career Pathways: It’s a Puzzle. University Council Work and Human Resource Education.
*Richardson, G. B., Castellano, M., Stone III, J. R., & Sanning, B. K. (2015). Ecological
and evolutionary principles for secondary education: Analyzing career and tech ed. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 1-2. DOI: 10.1007/s40806-015-0034-4.
*Aliaga, O., Kotamraju, P. & Stone, J.R. III. (2014). Understanding Participation in
Secondary Career and Technical Education in the 21st Century. High School Reform Journal.
Stone, J.R. III (2014). Experiential Learning in the 21st Century: The role, purpose and value of work-based learning. The Agricultural Education Magazine.
*Young, J.A., Stone, J.R. III, Aliaga, O., & Shuck, B. (2013). Job embeddedness theory: Can it help explain employee retention among extension agents? Journal of Extension, 51(4).
*Stone, J.R. III (Summer 2013). If programs of study are the solution, what is the problem? International Journal of Educational Reform. 22(4).
*Lewis, M.V. & Stone, J.R. III (2013). Origins, Chronology, and Current Status of the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education: 1963-2011. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Development. 25(2).
Stone, J.R. III (March, 2013). Creating world-class curricula for 9-14 career education programs. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Pathways to Prosperity Conference.
Stone,J. Nienhuis, J. & Aliaga, O.A. (2012) The Strategic Value of Social Capital: How Firms Capitalize on Social Assets. European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 36 Iss: 7, pp.766 – 768
Stone, J.R. III (October, 2012). The Place of CTE within High-Quality and
Comprehensive Educational Systems: Visions and Principles. Washington, D.C.: Center on Poverty, Inequality & Public Policy, Georgetown University
Stone, J.R. III (May, 2011). Delivering STEM Education Through Career and Technical
Education Schools and Programs. Background paper prepared for the National Research Council of the National Academies workshop on Successful K-12 STEM Education. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Stone, J.R. III & Lewis, M. (2010). Governance of Vocational Education and
Training in the United States. Research in Comparative and International Education. 5(3), 274-288.
Stone, J.R. III, Lewis, M. & Blackman, O. (May, 2010). The Promise of Middle Skill Occupations. Techniques
Stone, J.R. III (March 2010). It isn’t easy being green: Or is it? Techniques
Aliaga, O., Stone, J. R., III, Kotamraju, P., & Dickinson, E. (in press). Engaging students in high school: An examination of the positive role of career and technical education. Louisville, KY: National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, University of Louisville.
Stone, J.R. (February, 2009). A Perkins challenge: Assessing technical skills in CTE. Techniques, 84(7), 21-22.
Haimson, J., Stone J, R. III, & Pearson, D, “Infusing Academics into Career and Technical Education.” Trends in Education Research, Mathematica Policy Research Inc. Issue Brief #3, December 2008.
Stone, J.R. III (2008). Forward. Career and Technical Education Research, 33(3). (pp. 161-163.
Stone, J.R. III (2007). Making math work. Principal Leadership, 7(5), 43-46.
Alfeld, C., Hansen, D. M., Aragon, S. R., & Stone, J. R., III. (2006). Inside the black box: Exploring the value added by career and technical student organizations to students’ high school experience. Career and Technical Education Research, 31(3), 121-155.
Stone, J.R. III & Alfeld, C. (2006). The neglected majority-revisited. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 21, 61-74.
Castellano, M., Stone, J.R., III, & Stringfield, S. (2006). Earning industry-recognized credentials in high school: Exploring research and policy issues. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 21, 7-34.
Stone, J.R. III. (November 2006). 21st Century Lens for Organizing CTE Research, Teaching, Policy and Advocacy. Annual meeting of the Association for Career & Technical Education Research. Atlanta, GA.
Stone, J.R. III (November 2006). Making math work: A pedagogic and professional development strategy for success. Career Academies Support Network: San Francisco.
Stone, J.R. III (June 2006). An evidence-based approach to improving math skills of high school students. Council of Chief State School Officers: Atlanta.
Stone, J.R. III (September 2005). Setting the stage: The future of CTE. National Association of State Directors of CTE. Washington, DC.
Stone, J. R., III, & Aliaga, O. A. (2005). Career and technical education and school-to-work at the end of the 20th century: Participation and outcomes. Career & Technical Education Research, 30(2), p125-144.
Stone, J. R., III. (2004). Math course-taking for CTE concentrators: Evidence from
three studies of the impact of a decade of education reform. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 21(1), 49-68.
Stone, J. R., III, Kowske, B. J, & Alfeld, C. (2004). Career and technical education in the late 1990s: A descriptive study. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 29(3), 195-223.
Stone, J. R., III, & Alfeld, C. (2004). Keeping kids in school: The power of CTE. Techniques, 79(4), pp. 28-29.
Castellano, M., Stringfield, S., & Stone, J. R., III. (2003). Secondary career and technical education and comprehensive school reform: Implications for research and practice. Review of Educational Research, 73 (2), 231-272.
Stone, J. R., III. (2003). Standing still in a time of change. Techniques, 78 (8), 24-25.
Stone, J. R., III. (2002). The impact of school-to-work and career and technical
education in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54(4), 533-578.
Stone, J.R. III (November, 2001) What do we know about career and technical education preliminary findings from 2000 & 2001 NRCCTE projects: A briefing paper. National CTE Leadership Conference. Washington, D.C.: The USDE/OVAE
Stone, J. R., III, & Josiam, B. (2000). The impact of school supervision of work and job quality on adolescent work attitudes and job behaviors . Journal of Vocational Education Research, 25 (4), 532-574.
Stone, J. R., III, & Mortimer, J.T. (1998). The effect of adolescent employment on vocational development: Public and educational policy implications. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 53, 184-214.
Stone, J. R., III, Adams, M. K. (1999). The middle college high school: An exploration of alternatives. St. Paul, MN: Department of Children, Families and Learning.
Stone, J. R. III, & Bremer, C. (1997). The impact of school structure on achieving school to work outcomes: School organization as a means to an end. In R. L. Crain (Ed.), The effects of career magnet education on high schools and their graduates (pp. 78-106). Berkeley, CA: The NCRVE.
Stone, J. R., III, Lewis, T., & Madzar, S. (1996). High performance learning in the fast food industry. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
Stone, J. R. III, Madzar, S., Cagampang, H., & Smith.C. (1995). Continuous
improvement in programs connecting school and work: Youth apprenticeship, cooperative vocational education and school-based enterprise. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
Stone, J. R., III. (1996). The pedagogy of production: Learning through enterprise. Columbus, OH: Marketing Education Association.
Stern, D., Stone, J. R., III, Finkelstein, N., Latting, J., & Martinez, G. (1993). School-to-work transition and the relevance of vocational education to subsequent employment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Adult and Vocational Education, National Assessment of Vocational Education.
Stern, D., & Stone, J. R., III. (1991). School-to-work transitions: The role of school-supervised work experience. U.S. Department of Education: Report to the National Assessment of Vocational Education.
Stone, J. R., III, & Wonser, R. L. (1990). Alternative strategies for providing work
experience. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Research and Development Center.
Stone, J. R., III, & Wonser, R. (1990). School to work relationships in the technical colleges: A status report. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Research and Development Center for Vocational Education. University of Minnesota.
Stern, D., McMillion, M., Hopkins, C., Stone, J. (1989). Reexamining policy toward work experience for school-age youth. Paper prepared for the National Center for Research in Vocational Education Policy Paper Series, Berkeley, CA.
Stone, J. R., III, & Dalhgren, J. (1989). Industry based training in Minnesota. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Research and Development Center for Vocational Education.
Stone, J. R., III, et al. (1987). A guide for curriculum development in marketing education. Madison, WI: Department of Public Instruction.