Rosemarie Park
Associate Professor
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
258 Burton Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0226 - 612-625-6267

Areas of interest
Adult literacy education
Plain-language in law and government
Educational needs of the workforce
Blended learning
Ed.D., Harvard University, 1976
I was trained as an elementary teacher in Great Britain and have taught in elementary and adult literacy settings in Great Britain and the United States.
I joined the University of Minnesota in 1974 to develop a teacher training program in adult literacy. I have done research into literacy and economic development for women, workforce literacy, the educational needs of dislocated workers. I have presented papers on blended learning at conferences in Beijing, Bangkok and Newcastle, England. I am currently involved in training teachers who teach English skills to new immigrants to the United States.
I have published in educational journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, Adult Literacy and Basic Education, and Clarity and have developed curricula for Paradigm Publishing and a chapter for West Publishing to aid judges and lawyers in writing in plain language for juries. I have presented numerous papers on blended learning and have recently published a book on worker layoffs.
Root, K. & Park. R. J. (2009). Forced out: Older workers confront job loss. First Forum Press
Park, R. J., & Ernst, S. (2008, January). Moving beyond the GED: Low-skilled adult transition to occupational pathways at community colleges leading to family supporting careers: Research synthesis. NRCCTE grant publication.
Park, R. J., & Root, K. (2009, June). Older workers confront job loss: What is the role and responsibility of HRD professionals in mass layoffs and redundancies? For the AHRD presentation, Newcastle on Tyne, UK.
Digby, C., Conroy, A., & Park, R. J. (2008, May). Case studies of exemplary blended learning programs in the health professions. For the AHRD presentation, Lille, France.
Park R. J. (2003, November-December). English as an International Language: Implications for HRD Professionals. Human Resource Development in Asia: National Policy Perspectives. Akaborworn, C. Osman-Gani A., McLean G. Second International Conference on Human Resource Development in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand.