Sehoon Kim
Associate Professor; Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Human Resource Development
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
Room 316 Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-626-4079

Areas of interest
Emerging Technology for Workforce Development
Employee Well-Being
Training Effectiveness
Ph.D., Texas A&M University, Human Resource Development
M.A., Korea University, Adult and Life-long Education
B.A., Korea University, Education
My scholarship seeks a comprehensive understanding of Human Resource Development (HRD) to foster incessant development of individuals, organizations, communities, and society as a whole. My research is inspired by technological development, employee growth and well-being in the workplace and organizational approaches that enhance the advancement and satisfaction of individuals. Given the impact of social and organizational contexts on individual behaviors, I have expanded my research scope to the organizational and national levels. Methodologically, although I identify myself as a quantitative researcher, several papers of mine have employed phenomenology, secondary qualitative data analysis, systematic review, and conceptual review. My scholarly work has appeared in major journals, books, and international conferences in HRD and related fields.
I have several years of professional field experience that reflects a commitment to individual and organizational development in South Korea and the United States. Previously, I worked for two global corporations and a university leadership center, focusing on HRD strategies, employee training, and competency development. I have also conducted HR consulting and contract projects for numerous organizations.
My scholarly interests and prior field experiences have inspired my teaching in the classroom. In teaching, I believe that the educator's role in higher education is to facilitate student learning and decision-making rather than directing or regulating them. Based on an experiential learning perspective, my teaching emphasizes the application of knowledge, understanding of real-world problems, and learning motivation. Thus, my approach to teaching focuses on students' motivation and positive attitudes, active participation, and various learning styles and readiness levels.
Courses taught
- OLPD 3308—Data-Driven Decision-Making
- OLPD 5607—Organization Development
- OLPD 5615—Training & Development of Human Resources
- OLPD 5616—Instructional Design for e-Learning
- OLPD 8601—Advanced Training & Development of Human Resources
Professional affiliations
- Human Resource Development Quarterly (Editorial Board)
- Human Resource Development International (Editorial Board)
- Human Resource Development Review (Editorial Board)
- Korean Journal of Human Resource Development (Editorial Board)
- The Educational Research for Tomorrow (Editorial Board)
- Humanware Research (Editorial Board)
- Academy of Human Resource Development
- Academy of Management
- Workforce Development and Research Lab
Below are selected publications within the past five years:
Li, H., & Kim, S. (2024). Developing AI literacy in HRD: Skills, approaches, and implications. Human Resource Development International, 24, 345-366.
Fang, B., *Zhang, P., & Kim, S. (2023). National human resource development in China: Cases of university-industry-government relations and roles. European Journal of Training and Development. 47, 183-202.
Kim, S. (2023). Longitudinal process of employee well-being: Cross-lagged relationships among domain satisfactions and subjective well-being. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 34, 369-387.
Kim, S. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and employee competency development: Strategic roles of HRD. The HRD Review, 26, 67-82. [Korean Publication].
Kim, S. (2022). Working with Robots: Human Resource Development Considerations in Human-Robot Interaction. Human Resource Development Review, 21, 48-74.
Kim, S., Chai, D., Kim, J., Kim, S., & Song, Y. (2022). Between work conditions and job outcomes: Testing a nomological network of life satisfaction. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17, 1407-1431.
Kim, S., Kwon, K., & Wang, J. (2022). Impacts of job control on overtime and stress: Cases in the United States and South Korea. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33, 1352-1376.
Yoo, S., Lee, S., Kim, S., Jang, S., & Cho, D. (2022). Training and development investment and financial performance: The bidirectional relationship and the moderating effect of financial slack. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 33, 115-136.
Kim, S., Park, S., Lavelle, J., Kim, M., & Chaudhuri, S. (2020). Revisiting trainee reactions: A multilevel analysis of the nomological network. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31, 173-191.
Kim, S. (2019). Workaholics, addiction, and motivation: A critical review and implications for HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 18, 325-348.