Stephanie Sisco
Assistant Professor
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
Room 250C Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-626-7255

Areas of interest
Diversity Management
Race-conscious JEDI
Career Development
Workforce Development
Social and Participatory Learning
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Human Resource Development
M.S.Ed., Northern Illinois University, Human Resource Development
B.A., University of California - Davis, Communication and History
My research seeks to understand how social issues appear at work and influence the learning and development of professionals of color. The study of human resource development, critical theory, race/ethnicity, culture, and organizational studies currently influence my research agenda, which also serves as my advocacy for a more equitable and inclusive workforce. I aim to identify and challenge business practices that negatively impact the employability, experience, and advancement of racial minorities.
Courses taught
OLPD 4696—Applied Experience in Business Marketing Education & Human Resource Development
OLPD 5613—Survey of Research Methods and Emerging Research in Human Resource Development
OLPD 5801—Survey of Human Resource Development and Adult Education
Academy of Human Resource Development Cutting Edge Award
UMN Robert Beck Graduate Fellowship
UMN Louis and Sharon Quast Graduate Fellowship
UMN Camille S. Wall Graduate Fellowship
Professional affiliations
Academy of Human Resource Development
University Forum for Human Resource Development
Academy of Management
Sisco, S., Hart-Mrema, T. S., & Aderibigbe, E. (2022). Engaging in race-conscious research and applying racial equity in human resource development: a collective autoethnography. Human Resource Development International 25(1), 59-75.
Carter, A. D., Sisco, S., & Malik, R. F. (2022). ‘I was exhausted, and there was no break at all’: how Black women leadership coaches understood and navigated workplace tensions after the racial reckoning. Philosophy of Coaching: As International Journal, 7(1), 4-29.
Bohonos, J. W., & Sisco, S. (2021). Advocating for social justice, equity, and inclusion in the workplace: An agenda for anti-racist learning organizations. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 2021(170), 89-98.
Collins, J. C., Zhang, P., Sisco, S (2021). Everyone is invited: Leveraging bystander intervention and ally development to cultivate social justice in the workplace. Human Resource Development Review 20(4), 486-511.
Sisco, S. (2020). Race-conscious career development: Exploring self-preservation and coping strategies of Black professionals in corporate America. Advances in Developing Human Resources 224), 419-436.
Davis, T. J., Greer, T. W., Sisco, S., & Collins, J. C. (2020). "Reclaiming My Time" Amid Organizational Change: A Dialectical Approach to Support the Thriving and Career Development for Faculty at the Margins. Advances in Developing Human Resources 22(1), 23-40.
Zarestky, J., Sisco, S., Alston, G. D., & Collins, J. C. (2019). Adult learning and inclusive feminism: Historical and contemporary perspectives on social justice and political activism. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 31(4), 4-17.
Sisco S., Valesano M.D., &a Collins J. (2019). Minding the gap: Social movement learning and human resource development. Advances in Developing Human Resources 21(2).
Sisco S. & Collins J.C. (2018). Employee resource groups: Separate but equal? New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 30(3), 60-63.
Pleasant S. (2017). Crossing the boundaries of employee engagement and workplace diversity and Inclusion: Moving HRD forward in a complicated sociopolitical climate. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 29(3), 38-44.
Sisco, S. T., Nandyal, N., Robbins, S., Fashant, C., & Evan, R. J. (2022). The Perceived Role and Expectations of Diversity and Inclusion Trainers. In Academy of Management Proceedings, (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 11785). Seattle, WA.
Erwin, S. K., Bierema, L. L., Bohonos, J. W., Sisco, S., Ray, S., Bhattari, A., & Greer., T. (2022) Integrating Critical theory and perspectives into HRD: AHRD critical SIG sponsored focus session. 2022 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. [Virtual].
Hart-Mrema, T. S., Sisco, S., & Smith, T. L. (2021). Utilizing digital media in HRD research methodologies. Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. [Virtual].
Bohonos, J., Zarestky, J., Rocco, T. S., Munn, S. L., Sisco, S., & Collins, J. C. (2020). Academic writing for novices: A roadmap to publishing. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference in the Americas, Atlanta, GA.
Sisco, S. & Telles, A. (2019). Navigating hegemonic (White) perspectives in academia: An experience of distress, pride, disruption, and perseverance. Keeping Our Faculty Symposium VIII. Minneapolis, MN.
Sisco, S. (2019). Exploring social agency in the workplace through social networks. 2019 University Forum of Human Resource Development. Nottingham, UK.
Sisco, S. (2018). Critically exploring social learning in Black social networks: Implications for human resource development. Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. Richmond, VA.
Abraham E. & Pleasant S. (2017), Utilizing Appreciative Inquiry Method for Assessing Student Retention in a Workforce Development Organization. University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pleasant S. (2016). White Space: A radical approach to address the racial binary in the workplace. Academy of Human Resource Development, Jacksonville, FL.
Pleasant S. (2016). Leveling the playing field of employability: A critical approach to talent management practices. University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference, Manchester, UK.