research expertise in OLPD
Studying legal, regulatory, and enforcement practices across education and human development, we work to shape policies that foster equitable growth and progress. Many of our faculty possess significant expertise in these areas. See below for profiles of faculty and their research related to policy.
Faculty with expertise in this area
Nicola Alexander Nicola Alexander
- Professor; Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Diversity, and International Initiatives
- 612-626-3256
- nalexand@umn.edu
Policy does not always work in the way we expect or want. My research examines the implications of policy for society as a whole, entire student populations, and specified student groups.

Gresham Donald Collom Gresham Donald Collom
- Assistant Professor
- he/him
- gcollom@umn.edu
Dr. Gresham D. Collom is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education in the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.

Joan DeJaeghere Joan DeJaeghere
- Professor, Department Chair
- 612-626-8258
- deja0003@umn.edu
As the oldest daughter of parents who had to leave secondary school due to financial needs, I am committed to concerns related to educational equity and wellbeing.

Roozbeh Shirazi Roozbeh Shirazi
- Associate Professor; Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Comparative and International Development Education
- 612-624-2367
- shir0035@umn.edu
Roozbeh Shirazi is Associate Professor of and Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Comparative and International Development Education at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.

Karen Miksch Karen Miksch
- Associate Professor
- 612-625-3398
- miksc001@umn.edu
My research focuses on the law of higher education and the transition to college. Specifically, I am interested in access to higher education from a legal and policy perspective.

Rebecca Ropers Rebecca Ropers
- Professor; Interim Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Minnesota-Duluth
- ropers@umn.edu
My scholarship focuses on how educators create environments that are accessible to, nurturing of, and reliant upon people in our diverse communities.

Aditi Rajendran Aditi Rajendran
- Assistant Professor
- araj@umn.edu
My research explores how leadership shifts policies and practices towards more racially just schools and systems.